chapter 2

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[Silver's Bedroom]

(Silver is sitting on a cushion bench while Shadow is pacing around the room)

Shadow: how could they?! I mean how could they?!

Silver: How could they do this to me? On my birthday?! I never get to have any fun. Never! They worry about every little thing!

Shadow:and now they have uncle Darren at their side!

(Silver and shadow turns to look at the balcony when she hears music playing. They walk out onto silver's balcony and hear the music coming from a nearby festival.)

Silver: Somebody's having fun on my birthday.

Shadow:[crossed his arms] hmph

(They see people ice skating at the festival. Silver sighs. Then he thought up a plan.)

Silver: Why not? Shadow, what do you say we go to a party?

Shadow: What?! No! We'll get into more trouble then we already are.

Silver: please shadow.

[Shadow sighed]

Shadow: alright.

Silver: [hugged shadow] thank you!

[The Castle Main Staircase]

(Silver and shadow sneaks in to grab her skates and walk down the stairs and out of the castle)

Festival At The Lake]

(Three musicians are playing their instruments while people are skating together on the lake. Silver and shadow skates onto the lake and watches. Everybody stops when they spot them. A little boy skates up to Annika and bow to her.)

Eric: Your highnesses.

Silver: Hello. What's your name?

Eric: Eric.

(Silver holds out her hand to Eric)

Silver: Well, Eric, will you skate with me?

(Eric grabs Silver's hand and skates to the center of the lake. Silver notice people were still watching)

Silver:Oh, please, don't stop!

(The musicians resume playing music and the people continue to skate and celebrate. Shiver slides around on the ice while they were skating. Shadow stayed where he was and watched silver with a little smile on his face. Silver waves goodbye to Eric and continues to skate on her own. Some people stop to see silver skate.)

(Shadow watch silver until she notices a green mist in the sky. The citizens stop skating when they hear a screech and see the green mist.)

The Citizens:*All gasping terribly*

[ The Cosium Castle Balcony]

(King kaze walk out the balcony and see the green mist in the sky)

The King Kaze: No! Shadow! silver!

(King kaze walk back inside hastily)

[ Festival At The Lake]

(Silver continues to skate not noticing anything. The flames from the torches burn out. Silver stops spinning when she sees a man riding a griffin flying down to them. Shadow skated in front of silver protectively. The griffin landed and a hedgehog that looks like shadow but with his streaks light green jump off. The griffin hum to the hedgehog.)

Mephiles: Hmmm. He does seem to be the most powerful hedgehog in the land!

(The hedgehog use has staff to light up the area with blue flame before walking to shadow)

Mephiles:So,Where have you been hiding?

Shadow: Who are you!?

Mephiles: Come on, you're not serious?

Shadow:Sorry to burst your bubble.

Mephiles: powerful and feisty. Love it! Allow me to introduce myself. Mephiles, *bowing down playfully* your future father.

Shadow: father?!

Mephiles: I'm offering you the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be my son and heir to my throne.

King Kaze: No! Let them be!

Mephiles: Well, well, what's it been? How's royal life these days, Pops?

(King Kaze pull out his sword and aim it at mephiles)

King Kaze: Leave us alone, mephiles!

Queen sapphire:*pleading* Please... please spare them!

Darren: they both have nothing to do with this.

Mephiles: Are you telling me what to do!? Have you forgotten what happened to your other son?

Silver/shadow: *to the King and Queen* Other son?

King Kaze: Go, mephiles! Now! You already have a heir.

Mephiles: I did. Three in fact. One more powerful than the next, but so annoying. Time to move on, hehe. And here's the lucky one!

Shadow: I don't think so!

Mephiles: *mimics buzzer* Wrong! But you get one more chance! *points his staff at King kaze and Queen sapphire* Petrify them!

Shadow:no! Stop!

(Mephiles blast the spell from his staff, which turn King kaze and Queen sapphire into stone)

Darren:[ wide eyes] kaze! Sapphire!

Mephiles:Petrify them all!

(Mephiles points his staff at everyone there, turning them into stone as they try to escape. Silver skates in front of mephiles trying to take the staff but ends up as stone. Shadow and Darren were the only ones left.)

Shadow: silver! [ bare his teeth] Stop! You won't get away with this.

Mephiles: Funny, I just did! So, here we are the bonus round! Agree to be my hair and I'll set them all free or, you can join them.

Darren:[stands in front of shadow, preparing his magic] no mephiles. If its anyone your going to fight then it's me.

Mephiles: [preparing his staff] very well but let's hope you won't fail like.... Your antidote to the youngest prince.

Shadow: youngest prince?

Darren: shut up! I did everything I could but it's because of you that he's gone.

??: Grab on!

(Shadow,Darren and mephiles turn to see a blue reindeer flying down onto the ice and slide over to them

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(Shadow,Darren and mephiles turn to see a blue reindeer flying down onto the ice and slide over to them.)

??: Hurry hop on.

Shadow: who are you?

??: nevermind that. Just get on.

[ shadow and Darren jump onto the back of the reindeer. Mephiles and his griffin watch as they fly away. The griffin was about the fly after them, but mephiles stop him.)

Mephiles:Chase him? You'll be back prince! I'll give you three days before my spell becomes unbreakable! Marry me by then or they stay like this forever! And forever is such a long time.

shadow and the power of  the reindeer Where stories live. Discover now