chapter 5

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[Trans. Bottom of a Rocky, Snowy Mountain]

Shadow and Darren on sonic and knuckles walking beside them stop on the outskirt of a wooden building at the bottom of a mountain.)

Knuckles:That's it.

Shadow: You mean we traveled all night for this?

Knuckles: we would've got here sooner if sonic kept having breaks.

Sonic: I'm not used to walking this long. Whenever I need to go to long distance I fly. I said that I would get a reindeer for you but you said. [Imitate knuckles] I'm a guardian, I can walk.

[Shadow and Darren laughed while knuckles pouted in annoyance but not as  Annoyed as the person he's about to see but still annoyed]

Knuckles: how about I take those antlers and shove them up your...

Darren: boys enough. Now who is this person your talking about?

Knuckles: Rouge call herself a treasure hunter. I call her a thief, but if there one thing Rouge knows, it's jewels.

Shadow: she sounds like the right person to talk to.

[Trans. Int. Rouge's Pawn Shop]

(Shadow opens the door to Rouge pawn shop and walk inside.)

Shadow: Hello? Anybody home?

(Rouge walks up the counter to look at shadow.)

Rouge:Well well, as i live and breath. The prince of Cosium prince shadow. How can I help such a lovely young man?

Knuckles: Drop the act Rouge. We're here on business.

(Knuckles stop at the door before walking into the shop.)

Rouge: knukie! It's been a while.

Knuckles: don't call me that!

Rouge: Are you still harboring a grudge?

Knuckles Are you still stealing and selling things that aren't yours for gems?

Rouge: a lady got to have her gems one way or another. So. What are you in the market for today?

Knuckles :a rare gem.

Rouge: don't you have enough gems in your so called island? But I'll bite, what kind of gem are you looking for.

Shadow: We're looking for something special. A gem of ice lit by hope's eternal flame.

Rouge:I.. may have heard of it.

Knuckles: And?

Rouge I may not.

Shadow: Which is it?

Rouge: Perhaps a trade might refresh my memory.

Knuckles:[ slams his fist onto the counter] enough games Rouge just tell us!

Rouge:[ raises her hands in surrendering] Okay okay!Here's what I know. Last year a stranger stopped by, odd little man, he boasted about finding a rare diamond. Blue as ice, which he buried in a treasure chest. Of course I didn't believe him at first.

Knuckles: What about the rest? Hope's eternal flame?

Rouge: He claimed he protected the chest with magic. He marked it with a red flame.

Shadow: blue ice? Flame?

Knuckles: Wait a minute. You wouldn't never pass up a gem like that Rouge. Why didn't you dig it up?

Rouge: The next day, the man was turned to ashes.

(Knuckles gave Rouge a doubtful look as Rouge take out a map quickly.)

Rouge: He left this. Here. Take it! I don't want anything to do with it!

(Shadow takes the map from Rouge and start walking out of the shop.)

Shadow Come on knuckles, we don't have much time.

[Shadow and knuckles walked out without noticed Rouge's smirk. They soon met up with sonic and Darren.]

Sonic: so what did she say?

Knuckles: she said some guy buried it.

Shadow: [ looking over the map] according to this its buried somewhere over these mountains. [Points to the mountains far away.]

Sonic: [ looks over to where shadow was pointing and gulped]

Darren: [ noticed sonic’s nervousness] are you going to make it?

Sonic: I'm sure I can do it.

[Trans. Snowy Mountain]

(The group are walking along the mountain through a snow storm Luckly sonic’s nose glew bright enoughfor them to see.)

Shadow: If I'm reading the map right, then... it must be this way.

(Sonic suddenly fall)

Shadow: sonic!

Darren: are you okay?

Sonic: I...I'm fine.

(Sonic gets up and continue to walk.

Shadow It leads nowhere! I don't understand.

Knuckles Listen. I think that—

Shadow Don't! [ got off sonic]

Knuckles: It's a wild goose chase. I should never have trusted Rouge!

(Shadow walk to a ledge on the mountain than she turn to the gang)

Shadow: wejust haven't looked hard enough.

(Shadow look back out into the snow storm. Knuckles and Darren looked at each other but then looked at sonic with concern. Sonic looked like he could collapse at any moment, Darren even got off sonic to relieve him. Knuckles then walk toward shadow.)

Shadow: I'm going to find it. I have to! My parents...our people...sonic!

Knuckles: It'll be dark soon. We can barely see in this storm and sonic’s nose can only glow so bright.We need to camp for the night.

Shadow: [turn to knuckles] We only have one more day! I'm not stopping!

Knuckles But what about sonic? He's exhausted. He's carried you and lord Darren for hours. He looks like he could  collapse at any time.

[ just when knuckles said that sonic fell all the way down, heavily breathing]

Shadow: sonic! [ runs to sonic] are you okay

Sonic: so........tired.

Darren: Shadow,we need to find shelter for sonic’s sake.

[Shadow hugs sonic’s neck]

Shadow: sonic,I'm so sorry.

Knuckles: Come I saw a cave nearby.

[With Shadow's and Darren's help sonic and the gang made it to the cave.]

[Trans. Inside the Cave]

Knuckles That should take us through the night.
(Knuckles got a fire going while sonic laid down exhausted. Soon Darren and knuckles went to sleep while shadow stayed up a little later then falling asleep on sonic to give him body warmth.

Shadow: [ fell asleep] Only one day left...

shadow and the power of  the reindeer Where stories live. Discover now