You don't know?

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The whole gang pulled up in isaak's van, everyone wore brown converses, plaid jackets jeans and a shirt of choice. "Where we headed first we splitting up or what?" Jordy asked the gang, "Me and Jada are gonna go to the food stand, get some funnel cake or something" Belle informed. "Me and Xennry are gonna go to the Farris wheel, and probably go win some teddy bears afterwards." Ophelia said grabbing Xennry and dragging them towards the beautifully lit up Farris wheel.

"I'm gonna go find the restroom uh, meet you guys up neer the food stand?" Jordy asked, Isaak nodded, and after he saw everyone leave they grabbed Jayden's waist and started pulling him towards the rollercoaster, it had the shortest line you can't blame him. "Ok guess we're go- No!! I refuse!" Jayden said trying to pull out of his grasp. "Keep moving and I'll sneak in your house and break all your sunglasses." Isaak threatened looking straight at Jayden.
The boy gave up and waited until it was their turn, he handed the man straddling them into the ride his phone and airpods. "Dude please let me off, I'm gonna die!!" Jayden pleaded the man walked away and the ride started, out of pure anxiety Jayden started whipping his sweaty hands on his jeans and slowly rotating his rings, the ride slowly went up high, and once it reached the top he covered his eyes visibly shaking, Isaak stop giggling to himself once he took notice of the boy next to him, he was a nervous wreck, he took his hand, "Keep saying it and you'll jinx it." they stated, then suddenly the ride went down causing Jayden to hold on as tight as possible to Isaak, like it was the last time they'd be near eachother. Now this I can live with. Isaak thought to himself.

"IT'S LITERALLY DISGUSTING, CLOSE YOUR MOUTH YOU PIG!" Jada yelled at bell, whom of which was currently stuffing three hotdogs in their mouth. Belle rolled her eyes and literally demolished the food, "Happy? Jesus christ, anyways let's take some photos I need these memories yo."

Jordy was busy looking at, and admiring himself in the mirror, yeah he's a narcissist, when out of nowhere the lights flicker, and he saw a shadow figure run across the stalls. "What the hell? Who's in here man? This isn't funny yo!" He questioned. I gotta get the hell out of here man. So with that he left, he was walking towards the food stand with belle and jada in view until he bumped into someone, "Oh crap my bad!" He said looking down at a short haired...boy?
"Oh no you're fine..don't you know you're not supposed to go in the restrooms here?" The stranger started in a feminine tone, HE was a girl. "Um.. why the hell not ?" he questioned the short haired girl, "You don't know? A man was murder in that stall in 2005, after that happened people say they've seen him roam those restrooms, and he even possessed a guy, made him go crazy and kill his family, a lot of people say he was mental but I believe it, so maybe you shouldn't have went in that restroom, um nice meeting ya I've gotta go!"she explained. Is she serious? No way that's true. He jogged over to jada and Belle and told them he wasn't feeling well and that he caught and uber home, they said ok and belle hoped he felt better.

"Dude you literally suck at this! Can you even aim? Bahahha!" Ophelia said making fun of Xennry who was missing the clown's mouth, and failing to fill the balloon up, "oh shut up, it's because I'm so tall so... you have better sight of the target then me, minion!" They said teasing Ophelia. "Touche Xen touche".

Isaak and Jayden ended up on the Farris wheel staring at the stars, and chatting. "You literally owe me, we  could've died!" Jayden complained to Isaak.
"Hey Jayden, look down for me." Isaak told the boy next to him.
"Why would I do tha- WE'RE SO HIGH OFF THE GROUND AHH!" he backed up panicking until he accidentally fell into Isaak's lap, and when he attempted to remove himself he was held down by isaak. "Stay for a while, calm down."
Who do y'all ship I like Jayden+isaak

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