Ch. 12

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Tony's POV:

I carefully walked into the house with Thor. Bruce was helping others outside the house and calling for help. Thor told me to go towards to the kitchen area while he goes to the back.

There was defiantly no survivors here, but again I checked. After making through the rubble and over a broken door, I finally made it to the kitchen. It looks like this was the source of the explosion.

I saw two body forms underneath the debris and called for Thor. He and I cleared away the rubble and moved the bodies onto a later surface. I turned the body I moved onto her back.

I looked at her closer and the familiar face creeped up to me. It looked like Violet. Though her face was covered in soot and small burns, she looked exactly like Violet or Ellie or whatever or name was! I let out a yell and Thor looked over to me.

Bruce bursted into the room, vaulting over the broken door.

"Whats wrong?"

"I think its Violet! Or the girl from the bar!"

"Oh my god, move over, let me check her pulse."

I moved out of the way and saw Bruce put his fingers to her neck and wrist.

"She's alive! Get medics here right away!"

I ran out of the house, trying to get the medics attention. Natasha, Clint and Steve had arrived and followed me into the house.

Bruce's POV:

After yelling for medics and Tony went out to get them into the house, Thor softly called my name. I looked to him and he picked up the other body. I looked at the body closer and saw Dr. Hummel.

A swoosh went around Dr. Hummel and it turned into a different man. The man that attacked New York and supposedly killed Violet. It was Loki.

"Doctor, my brother is still alive. What shall we say when the man of iron and the others?"

"The truth, we need to tell the truth. But we might need to keep the Iron Man suits away from Tony. We need Loki alive for questions."

The rest of the team came into the small kitchen and saw Violet in my arms. Tony ran in with the medics following. I helped the medics to get Violet onto the stretcher and just before Tony left with them, I grabbed his arm.

"Tony, there is something to tell you. Violet has been living with Loki the past months. He-"

"What did you just say?"

"Violet's been living with Loki. Loki must have used his magic, putting both of them under disguise. The man over there was the man I met earlier in the lab. His disguise just vanished and look."

Tony looked towards Thor who was now kneeling next to his brother. He saw Loki's pale face and soot covered raven hair. His face turned to anger and I quickly pushed him back with Steve helping me.

"Violet needs you now, more then ever. Go. We can deal with Loki when he wakes. GO!"

Steve and Clint grabbed Tony's arms and led him to the ambulance. Tony kept looking back at Loki before setting his attention to Violet.

I let out a sigh and got another medic in for Loki. I requested a 24 hour guard for Loki. Thor went onto the ambulance where Loki and they headed to the same hospital where Violet was.

After calling into SHIELD about Loki and the explosion in Livermore, I drove towards the hospital. Director Fury and Hill was coming soon.

Tony's POV:

In less than 20 minutes I learned my deceased daughter is alive, the man that supposedly murdered her is alive and they were both living together the past 6 months. How the hell did that get past my nose?!?

The medics said she was stabilizing in the ambulance and when we got to the hospital, they pushed me into a waiting room. I paced the room with Steve and Clint watching my every move.

The emergency doors burst open with Thor running behind a gurney. It was Loki on the gurney, soot covered and burned.

I wanted to run and kill the bastard. But before I could do that, Thor, Steve and Clint tackled me down to the ground until the gurney passed us.

The nurses, doctors and other people in the waiting room watched the struggle happen. The guys finally got off of me and I brushed myself off. I sighed and sat onto a chair. Bruce and Natasha arrived shortly and the whole team waited for the doctor.

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