Chapter 36: Protectors of Humanity II

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Rin was sitting down at a coffee shop as the smell of fresh brewed coffee filled the air. Her seat was located outside under the shade of an awning.

Her aqua eyes staring off to the blue sky wondering about many things. It was sort of a trip down memory lane that was ended short when an individual took their seat before her.

Rin snapped from her small trance as she saw the person in question as he was holding out a cup of coffee that she had ordered. Tohsaka took it while muttering a thanks.

The man sitting across Rin was in his early thirties with long dark hair and black eyes. He wore a simple trench coat over his blazer. A red scarf hanging around his neck was just about the only color which popped out from the attire.

His name was Lord El-Melloi II, but Rin had come to learn his name to be have originally been Waver Velvet, whom had fought in the same war that her Father did.

But that years ago for Waver, now, he presides over at the clock tower as the Lord for the department of Modern Magecraft Theory while also being a teacher.

"I take it there is something important you wish to discuss?" Waver started as he had barely received a call from her earlier that morning.

"Yes, but before we get to what we need to talk about... I was wondering if you could answer some things for me."

Waver shrugged, "I don't see why not."

"What is your understanding of our world being a center point for convergences between different realities?"

"That's quite a question." Waver rubbed his cheek a little embarrassed about being asked out of the blue about such a complex topic, "It is not exactly within my field of study but I have a decent grasp on some of the basic concepts."

Rin just drank her coffee as she nodded to let him she was following along. It was not everyday you got to sit down with someone like Waver whom spent most of his time probably researching or teaching for various topics.

"As far as I can recall from memory, if we were to take 3 pieces of paper or more, our world would be in the exact center piece of paper. Now before the analogy, Ill provide some light context just to refresh your memory Rin. Through study, humanity as come to learn that variants that have arisen from being servants of different kinds, especially those we would deem to be Alters. Why would there be 2 or 3 of the same individual unless there was perhaps not just this world that existed. We can come to understand from information provided by Servants and obtained from these first hand accounts that whole other timelines due in exist. This is furthered back up due to the occasional bleed-in occurs where various objects can ripple into our reality. Now, back to the paper analogy which I'll explain with this napkin." Waver grabbed three napkins as he pulled out a pencil, putting a large dot in the center of each of them. "Our reality is the middle napkin, this circle. From research, we can find the faintest hints of leylines that exist that are not of this world but they share in some semblance. Think of it like two lines that run perpendicular then eventually break off, they are same up till a certain point. But back to our napkin paper analogy. If we place all them atop one another, then in theory, if I drew the circles absolutely perfect, then the circles between all three would line up. But let's say for consistency they are the same circle perfectly. Now, since different timelines have confirmed to be in existence we shall move the top and bottom napkin. That makes all three of the circles misaligned slightly but they still share most of their circle together. Our world curiously, sits between the center of all, so if we take a pencil and push it through where the circle s still align. We could say that are now one singular hole. This is actually similar to a wormhole. Our realities are similar enough to exist in one singular place so things get slightly misaligned, there can be bled in since our reality sits so perfectly I believe what they call the cosmic equilibrium."

"I follow. What happens if they are so far apart?"

Waver smiles as he moves the two napkins apart, "Nothing, they would be so far removed from one another that they could no longer possibly interact. Think of it as if 111 and 112. These two sets of numbers are only one value
apart but if those numbers were instead 111 and 379. Then suddenly, they are no longer close enough in value. That is how the idea works in theory."

"I understand." Rin nods her head as she followed well enough to better grasp the concept.

Waver set the napkins down taking some drinks from his coffee. "Why the curiosity?"

Rin's expression got a little more serious as she leaned in closer, "Doctor Romani had discovered some bleed-in from another reality into ours. Nothing out of the usual until some of our scientists studied the items that got transported over. Books, backpack , everyday stuff but the lingering mana upon them was the most curious. The reality's mana was exactly similar to our own's, like a mirror. But it was tainted by another mana, one that popped up to be directly the same as the corrupted mana of the Grail."

Waver's expression turned a little bit more cold, he remembered the whole disaster of the 98th Grand Holy Grail War he participated in. Grail had slightly damaged during the final bout and it resulted in a great fire which devastated whole cities in Japan till a faction could halt the devastation. Grail was damaged too much and said to have been inoperable for a wish or something before vanishing.

"A reality just like ours..."

"Yeah, I talked it over with Romani, but its best not too think about it. Our world is still living and we shouldn't quit while we can still protect ours."

Waver had been gazing endlessly remembering much of that war, all the pain but joy he found in his servant. He snapped from the memories, "You are correct. I'll do my best to offer assistance till I manage to make adequate time away from the Clock Tower. But past all of this, you said you came here for something?"

"I did, I unfortunately messed up, and had only one servant pursue the contract in Fuyuki. We got outplayed, black faction was already there."

"And what can I do to help?"

"I need information pertaining to the whereabouts of one Manaka Sajyou. That is the Master of the damned twisted hound berserker."

"Hmm, I'll see what the Mages' association may have. But it will take some time to ensure my inquiry isn't noticed."

"That's fine, thanks for helping me out."

Waver adjusted himself in his seat as the two went on to just enjoy one another's company. They became good friends as they found some common ground immediately both being two ex Masters completely disheartened by the horrors of the Grail Wars.

But now, Rin would have a lead soon.

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