Used Karma

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"Wow. He is one sound sleeper."

I stood next to Luke and Zuri as we all stared at Ravi hanging from his sleeping bag on his door.

"He looks so peaceful." Luke's smile dropped. "I don't like it."

He grabbed his alarm clock, and it rang, scaring Ravi awake. Ravi moved around, yelling.

"Great Ganesh! I am a human samosa!"

I laughed, Ravi's freaked out face looking funny. He continued wriggling around, before saying, "Let me down from here."

Luke glances over at Zuri and I, before turning back to his look at Ravi. "Okay, if you say so."

He unzipped it, making Ravi fall out, and land on the ground with a groan. Luke, Zuri, and I laughed harder, and Ravi stood up in pain.

"Ow! That hurt!"

"It's your fault for sleeping on a door." Zuri told him.

Luke laughed harder.

"That is it. You have aroused my ire!" Ravi said.

"Hey, you should thank us!" I jumped in. "Luke wanted to leave you in the lobby in nothing but your righty-whities."

Luke gave me sister a look of disbelief. I wasn't going to be blamed for something that Luke did.

"Luke, you are treading on dangerous ground. Ever heard of Karma?" Ravi questioned.

"I have! It's my favorite topping on a sundae." Zuri exclaimed.

Ravi turned and smiled at her. "Not caramel, karma. The concept that if you are good, the universe will reward you. But if you are bad," he turned and looked pointedly at Luke. "the universe will beat you like a rented water buffalo."

Luke nodded. "Oh! So you're saying it would be bad if I did something like this?"

I covered my ears when I saw Luke pull out an air horn.

Ravi ribbed his ear, and yelled, "Yes! That is an excellent example of bad!"


"Are you sure this how you do it?" I asked.

Ravi was having me unscrew a few screws on the balcony door, so we could trap Luke out there.

"Yes, now hurry, before he sees you."

I finished up, and sat down at the table on the terrace, and watched as Luke walked in, just as I had finished.

"Hey, Ravi, whatcha looking at?"

I did my best to hide my laugh as Ravi looked through the telescope. "A photographer in the park taking pictures of women wearing only the tiniest of triangles as clothes."

Luke looked up from his game. "Bikini shoot? Out of my way!"

Once he shoved him out of the way, Ravi and I headed back inside, and Ravi locked the door.

"What bikinis? Ew!" Luke moved and leaned over the wall. "Bertram! Put! On! A! Shirt!"

I laughed myself silly as I watched birds start to poop on Luke.


Ravi ran forward, and shook the door handle, and it came off. "Uh oh! Sorry, Luke. Looks like your bad karma has come home to roost."

I laughed harder, as more birds pooped on Luke.


"Why is Luke standing outside?" I asked, as Guy and I walked into the living room.

"He's washing his bad karma away." Ravi said, not looking up from his game.

" that how it's supposed to be done?" Guy asked.

Ravi nodded.

"That's weird."

Ravi sighed, and set the game down, and looked at Guy and I.

"Guy, Callie, when you guys are older, you'll understand better."

"Right." I said, and started walking upstairs.

"Aw, I can't stand to see him like this." Bertram said.

He walked over, and pulled the blond shut. "That's better."

The elevator dinged, and Jessie walked in.

"Man! It's raining cats and dogs out there." She turned and smiled when she saw Guy. "Hey, Guy."


Ravi stood up quickly, and said, "Really? You go dry off, and I will call animal control."

Just as Ravi was beginning to pull Jessie upstairs, when Luke's voice stopped him.

"Ravi! Can I come in now?"

"Was that Luke?"

Ravi stepped in front of her. "Oh, no. You are heading things. You need a nice, long rest. Far away from the terrace."

He tried to pull her away, but Jesse opened the door, revealing Luke our on the terrace, scrubbing himself with a scrub brush.

"Luke? Are you taking a shower on the terrace?"

Luke scoffed. "Of course not. That would be stupid. I'm cleaning my karma."

"Get in here."

She pulled him in, and Luke said, "Ravi, please tell me it worked."

Ravi scrubbed Luke's shirt a few times, before saying, "Yes, your karma is clear. All is well. Goodbye."

He tried to run away, but Jessie stopped him. "Not so fast, Ravi. Luke, you go upstairs, and get out of these clothes, okay?"

"Come on," I said. "Let's go."

Guy and I made it to my room, and he asked, "What's up with this karma thing?"

"Ravi was tired of Luke planking him, so he got him back by telling him karma was going to catch up with him. And it did, with a little help from Ravi himself."

Guy smiled a bit. "That's funny."


"So, the whole day, I was just trying to be friends, you know? But then, Jessie looked so pretty with the raindrops in her hair, I went in for a kiss, and then, BAM! She pepper sprayed me! I tried to play it off like I was reaching for my jacket, but it was really awkward. So, what should I do now?"

Tony looked over, and I just stared at him.

"I don't know, and I don't care. I just came down for the mail." I said.

I snatched it from him, and walked back to the elevator.


I sat in the living, reading a book, since I wasn't allowed to watch the movie.

I looked up, and saw Bertram walking towards the screaming room in a black cloak.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"I'm going to go scare everyone so I can watch my own stuff."

I shrugged. "Okay."

A few moments later, Jessie, Emma, Luke, Ravi, and Zuri ran out screaming, making me laugh.

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