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"Yoo" Jay shouts after Eris as he slams the door of their flat, she doesn't turn around but heads straight to the bedroom to change "Are we going to talk about what just happened?" He starts to follow her into their bedroom but she has already stripped out of her outfit from that evening and into one of his t shirts. 

"Talk about what?" Eris asks coldly as she heads towards the kitchen eventually pouring herself a large glass of wine. Her icy blue eyes pierces his soul as she stares directly at him. 

"Talk about that dinner we just had?" Jay asked, shocked that they were even having this conversation

"Oh yeah, sorry it was a lovely dinner. Get me drunk enough and I'll put out later" Eris says sarcastically moving past him.

"Yeah thats exactly why I just chased you to the apartment to talk about lovely the dinner was and how drunk you need to be to bare to even look at him to have sex"Jay gets pissed at her attitude 

"Oh don't flatter yourself" Eris smirks, Jay's eyes light up thinking that she finally understands the situation "We will do it from behind, like a slightly more active pillow princess" She laughs again, grabbing her pack of smokes off the coffee table.

"Why even pretend anymore?  I am talking about the dinner where you flirted with the waiter all night and then let three random men buy you drinks. I'm pretty sure two of them slipped you their numbers. To which you did not stop them at all" Jay looks at Eris, who just downs her wine in one gulp and then pours herself another one. 

"Oh I'm sorry did you want me to wait until our entire team was in the station together and I could pull them all into the break room? or wait until you're standing on the other side of the parking lot" Eris retorts bitterly as she moves over to the balcony door to let in a breeze, she turns around to face him again "Or how about I wait until we have a rough patch and crawl into bed with one of them, then pretend it never happened when we get good again?" 

Eris watches as Jays face drops. 

"Yeah that's right Jay, I know about Hailey" She stares at him with an icy glare, Moving forward and pushing the wine bottle into his chest "and the other ones" Eris moves into the kitchen to grab another bottle of wine and a bottle of whisky. It's going to be needed for this conversation, it has been brewing for so long. 

Jay takes a large swig from the wine bottle he has been clutching for the last couple minutes, Eris stands in the kitchen taking deep breathes. Preparing herself for the conversation that is to come. She had all the intentions in the world to ignored what happened during their small break and the following months. However Haileys attitude recently and the way she rubs in her face has changed that plan. Eris moves on to the balcony and lights up a cigarette while pouring another glass wine for herself. Waiting for Jay to join her. He eventually plucks up the courage to face the music,  grabbing two whisky glasses from the kitchen before taking another a deep breathe and then making his way out. 

"so you know?" He asks, setting he glassed down on the table as he sits on the remaining chair. Eris just nods as she lights up another smoke. "How?" 

"How about you tell me what happened and then I'll let you know how I found out" She moves her chair to face him "Don't forget you're dating a profiler" 

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