Dream a little dream

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"Hey Hank, can you sign this please" Eris walks into her fathers office holding the case file. She plops herself down in the empty chair "trial set for 3 months, if you wanna come" Eris smiles.

"Thanks, yeah I will do" Hank smiles at his daughter as he read through the docs before signing his name "how are you two?" He asks pointing to Jay working hard at his desk.

"Urm we are ok. Not back together yet. He's gotta prove himself first" Eris looks over her shoulder, still falling in love with him everyday but she has to protect her self.

"Well whatever you're doing continue. Never seen the man work so hard here" Hank cackles.

"Thanks Dad! Do you want to go to Charlie's tonight?" Eris asks her Dad, feeling she's not spent as much time with him as she should.

"Oh steak for dinner. You buying?" Hank jokes with her. Eris just nods before turning around "I'll see you there 8" Hank yells. Eris just laughs as she waves behind her before stopping at Jays desk.

"Hey handsome" Eris says, sitting on Jays desk leaning down and kissing him.

"Oh hey beautiful" Jay smiles looking at her, kissing her again "what you doing here?" He asks.

"We needed Hank to sign some docs" Eris smiles, pushing the hair out of his face.

"You want to go out for some dinner tonight?" He asks, 8 weeks later still trying with her.

"I can't tonight, Dad and I are going to Charlie's. But we can do tomorrow night?" Eris asks slipping off his desk.

"It's a date" Jay smiles as Eris leans down and kisses him again "I love you babe", she mouths I love you too as she walks out.

Jay did everything Eris asks for, he cut hailey off. According to Hank they barely speak in work, only when they need to. He's been so attentive, he is still moved out as per her request. She doesn't want him jumping right back into their home and thinking everything is ok when it's not.

They've been doing a lot more dates, not just dinner but loads of other things. They even went on a weekend break when their schedules finally aligned. Eris has been enjoying their time apart, she finally feels that she is her again, for the foreseeable future Jay won't be moving back. Too many problems are caused when they live together. This way he works for everything and it feels more natural.

 This way he works for everything and it feels more natural

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Social media break is over! I'm back baby and going to dinner with my delightful father, @grumpyh


"Hey Dad" Eris smiles as her father as sits down still emailing people in her team.

"Ah you know what time 8pm is right? Hank laughs pouring her a class of red wine

"Yes. Sorry. Lori got a case on her desk and we were just going over it" Eris puts her phone down on the table, screen up and takes a large sip of her wine "I'm 100% here with you" she smiles

"What's the case?" Hank asks. The pair know they can't go 5 minutes without discussing work.

"Urm I'm not really sure" Eris starts, nibbling on a piece of bread and butter "the request is really vague which is why we went through it together. You know the town of Dalton?" Eris ask, Hank nods as he eats some bread "they think they have serial killer but the evidence they provided doesn't support that" Eris shrugs as she takes more bread.

"Why not?" Hank asks.

"There's only two bodies, nothing unusual about the killings. Nothing taken, no markings of a serial killer you know?" Eris explains something only her father would understand. Anyone else listening would think they are insane "Dalton police are not able to dig up anything on the victims or anyone that would be capable. I'm just sure it warrants us"

"Difficult decision to make" Hank says topping up his glass. Eris just nods when her phone starts ringing on the table. Lori's name pops up. "Take it"

"Hey what's up?" Eris asks.

"We've got a third body, just turned up. Exact same MO as the other two" Lori says calmly on the other end

"fuck" Eris whispers under breathe "I'm on my way"

"Team will meet you there, I'm sending you the location" Lori says before hanging up.

"I'm sorry Dad, he just turned serial. 3rd victim, teenage girl under 16 found in a wooded area. Rain check?" Eris says getting up

"Yeah. Go be bad ass peach" Her dad jokes with her.

"Here" Eris hands him $60 "I promised you dinner. Not letting you go without" She kisses him ontop of the head before rushing out to her car.

As she enters the address into satnav, she turns on her lights and speeds off to Dalton. Making good time only doing the drive in like 20 minutes rather 30.

"Hey guys" Eris says putting plastic booties on her trainers. Matt hands her a pair of gloves

"Oh hot date with Jay?" He jokes with her.

"Actually dinner with Daddy" she laughs with him putting gloves on. "So what have we got?"

"He left a note this time" Matt says as Luca comes over with the paper

"You read it?" Eris asks, everyone shakes their heads "why?"

"It's addressed to you" Matt says quietly.

Tut tut Eris, shouldn't of said no to the case. Now another because of you.

Catch me if you can

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