Chapter 3

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Decided to update this story. It hit 2k (:
Thank you guys for being somewhat patient lol I love you guys
I might update this weekend I don't know. I'll be updating This Will Be forsure.
Comment, Vote please if you read. Just press the star. It takes one second lol and lastly Enjoy
-️xoxo HoneyTimes ❤️❤️❤️



"You think our neighbors are moving in today?" I look over at my mom while I grab my bicycle off the porch

"Maybe, who knows really. I wonder who they are. I'm dying to find out."

"You're dying to add more people to your book club." I roll my eyes

Walking down the steps with my bike, I keep my eyes fixated on the sold sign on our neighbors lawn.

I put my earphones on and ride off to school.


"Ana!" I turn to see Jose running up to me. I chain my bike to the rail and hug him.

"Hey Jose"

"Guess what?" He's very giddy

"What?" I smile. His giddiness rubbing on me

"The local art gallery in my neighborhood is going to post my pictures from my Mexico trip on their brochure. Their theme is Embracing Cultures Nature."

"Wow that's amazing."

"I know! everyone is going to see them as they get a brochure when they walk in."

"Hey Ana." Kate comes up next to me "Jose" she nods "I'll see you this Sunday"

Jose groans "Yeah"

I giggle as I finish chaining my bike. When I look up, there's Paul's bright yellow Chevy Camaro parking in front of the school at the parking lot. Everyone turns to see them as always.

Paul and Julia come out of the car all smirks and coolness.
Julia runs up to Paul kissing him in front of everyone to see. Her minions join her probably sharing gossip within each other.
She's laughs after that.
Hand in hand Paul and her start walking off the parking lot.

"You guys let's head inside. Standing out here in front of the bike rack isn't a thing" Kate says and we start to walk to the main entrance.

"Nice bike Ana" I hear laughs behind me. Julia
Kate, Jose and I turn around

"Thanks" I mutter sarcastically

"I was joking" she laughs with her minions

"I was too" I exhale.

Paul laughs quietly. Julia turns to glare at him.

"What on earth are you wearing? Are you shopping at Walmart again?"
I look down at my wardrobe. I'm wearing my white chucks, washed colored jeans and a baby blue plain shirt.

"Julia" Paul comes to my defense

"What? I mean someone needs to show her how to dress." She continues

"Yeah like I mean look at those shoes. Have you ever heard of washing them?" Sarah intercepts

"Seriously tho. I even have the same ugly shirt" Becky says
We all look at her but don't say anything, we know better.

"I mean at least your wannabe of a friend can dress." Julia refers to Kate "But those Tony Burch peep toes are tots last season." She and her minions laugh obnoxiously but Kate doesn't flinch.

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