Chapter 2

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"Christian!" my adoptive mother shouts across the hall. I sit up and swing my feet to the side of the bed.

School. Fuck school.

"Christian Grey !" She knocks on my door

"I'm awake" I shout back. If only she knew I've been awake for hours. My nightmares are back.

Grace opens the door. "Good" she checks around my room. "Get dressed. I want you downstairs for breakfast in half an hour." She closes the door.


After a warm shower, I climb out and clear the foggy mirror. My eyes are bloodshot and there are purple bags under my eyes. All becasue of these nightmares.

I change into my mandatory stupid uniform that the maid has laid out on my bed. Black slacks, a black blazer, a crisp white linen shirt accompanied with a black and red striped tie. Then lastly, polished dressed shoes.

"Mom!" Mia, my 13 year old adoptive sister shouts from the hall as I step out of my room. "I can't find my lucky headband"

"It probably somewhere in your drawers darling" My mom says from her room

"That hideous thing probably found out it wasn't so lucky after wards" I mutter

"Shut up." She sticks her tongue out "You look gross." She walks back in her room

I make my way down the stairs and I'm joined by Elliot my other adoptive sibling. We make our way into the dinning room the rest of the family

"Christian, Elliot take a seat" Carrick my adoptive father gestures to the empty seats.

"You look like shit" Elliot whispers at me and laughs as he takes his seat

"You are shit" I mutter back

"Christian!" My mother scolds me

I rolls eyes and take my seat "Sorry mom"

Carrick Grey and Grace Trevelyan Grey are my adoptive parents. Carrick is a lawyer and Grace is a doctor.They adopted me when I was 4. I arrived after Elliot who is another adopted son and before Mia, an adopted daughter. We are not related. None of us.

"Where Mia ?" Carrick asks

"I'm right here daddy" she runs into the room with one hand holding her headband steady and places a kiss on his cheek. Mia has long black sleek hair that reaches the middle of her stomach with full bangs on her forehead.

"Mother" she nods and sits down.

"My children." Carrick smiles "Today is the start of something bigger, Mia begins High School, Christian becomes a Junior and Elliot is now a senior and we will finally be able to throw your birthday party that we couldn't throw on your actually 18th birthday in a couple of weeks"

"Yeah man!" Elliot groans enthusiastically by pumping his fist in the air.

"I'm proud of you all." he looks at us. I dont think he is proud of me though . Truth is I don't think no one is. I don't even believe in myself. It's no miracle I've made it through highschool so far. I've had to take a bunch of summer classes Grace and Carrick forced me into.

"Christian. You know this year is going to be different. I don't want a repeat of last year." Carrick pipes up

Mia and Elliot giggle softly but I can hear them.

"Do I make myself clear?" He stares at me


"Excuse me?"

Two Shades One GreyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant