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"Let's celebrate!" Angela cheered as she was happy for their dear marksman's return to the squad.

"Yeah! Finally your back on our side Nephilia," Harley agreed.

Hanabi chuckled at the two children as she loved seeing them being cheery and all. "I never changed sides Harley, I am forever loyal to this squad and nothing will change it; not even a sweet talker like the infamous Aamon Paxley can change this girl's mind," she said.

She was then suddenly attacked by a wave of hugs from the the kids and giant lizard. "Please, don't leave us again," Harley begged.

Hanabi just hugged them back. She has no intention of leaving, until her job is done. She patted the mage's head, while assuring them, she was not going anywhere, no matter what happens. For the entire time, Gusion kept silent and watched his team having a small reunion with their best marksman, he would be lying if he said he didn't miss her. "You know what," he finally spoke, "order as much as you guys want, let's lay back for tonight".

Harley and Angela cheered at his suggestion and both raced to the phone, while arguing at what they wanted to eat, with Grock following them behind. Gusion then turned his attention back to Hanabi, looking at her from top to bottom, she haven't change one bit. "I see that you're still the same as usual," he continued.

"I can say the same thing about you captain," she said, while addressing him as formally.

"Need I remind you Hanabi, that we never actually broke up for your mission," he reminded.

"I wasn't acting for the entire time, captain. I was true with my words," she said as she stared straight into his eyes.

Gusion felt his heart head been beaten up hard, while being stampeded by a cattle of bulls. He thought every single word she said from their so called 'fake break up' until now were just meaningless words, all acted out for the success of their plan. "Why would you care, I am a mere pawn in every plan of yours, aren't I?" she walked passed him and towards the rest of the squad.

'Is this what they call heart break? I feel like my heart is pounding painfully, while breaking and shattering itself,' he asked himself. He followed her behind and stared at her, giggling with the rest of the squad.

The moment was then interrupted by a rang of the alarm, but it was not their emergency alarm. Then Angela spoke, "He is awake".

Everyone rushed to the infirmary, as it will change the outcome of their future plans forever. Angela rushed into the infirmary, checking vitals, breathing and heart rate of her new patient. "How is he doing Angela?" Gusion seriously asked.

"He is fine captain, he is about to wake up, we succeeded in healed him of his breathing and lost body parts. 'The Prince' will be as healthy as ever," she reported, which made Gusion smirk with satisfaction.

Hanabi entered the room and her eyes went straight towards the chamber laying down on the ground, as the patient inside was slowly stirring up from the anaesthesia. It was the boy she rescued the other day and the night before her betrayal to the S.A.B.E.R. squad. She couldn't help herself, as the boy reminded her so much of her own younger brother. Placing a hand on the glass chamber, all she could helplessly watched the boy slowly waking up.

"Hanabi, please stand back, he needs some space to wake up," Angela asked.

She wanted to move, but her mind refused to do so. Gusion gently pulled her away from the glass chamber, but close enough for her to watch. He now understand, why she values most of sibling relationship and why she tried so much to mend back his and Aamon's bond. Because of Mike, nothing is more precious to her than a sibling's love for each other. "Captain, I must warn you; I am not certain that his personality will be stable. He has been unconscious for so long and I am not sure of how his mind will react to the meds," Angela warned.

Gusion looked at the boy in the glass chamber and back at Hana, who has fear in her eyes, as if her eyes spoke to not kill him or get rid of the boy. 'She now have attraction towards him, but this is sister's worry,' he thought. He won't forgive himself if he made her cry gain. "Have the restrains ready, if he broke out, we have to immobilise him. Angela, Hanabi and Grock get ready to pin him down," he ordered. He looked back at Hanabi and he was relieved that her expression soften a bit. She too was relieved that Gusion made a good decision to handle the situation.

Hanabi stood beside Grock, ready for anything to happen. She hoped that this boy would not be sacrificed, like how her brother did. 'I will not let this boy's journey be in vain. Just like you little brother, I will protect this boy,' she thought as she tightly gripped her weapon.

Back with the S.A.B.E.R. squad and Aamon, Freya just arrived to back them up, however they were too late and had to clean up the mess. "I told you that criminal is no good to be trusted," said Layla as Rafaela untied her.

"I can bet she gave the intel on the V.E.N.O.M.s' are too a fake," said Cyclops as Freya untied him.

"Our apologies for failing to protect you, lord," Saber apologised to Aamon.

"I can understand her intentions of doing so, however no punishment will come to her by my family," said Aamon as he stood up.

"But my lord, she tricked us and as well as you, she deserve to suffer the consequences," Layla argued.

"Miss Layla, if you were in her position, wouldn't you be loyal to the squad as well?" he asked.

Layla became silent at his question and the answer ultimately proved his point. Aamon walked into the vault and then asked Saber about what his brother intend to find in the empty vault. Saber began to explain everything about their squads little disagreement. "How important is this Magic Cube?" he asked.

"Very your grace, if the key is successfully in place, he will control every technology in this city. It is why our squad is protecting it from the evil hands of the V.E.N.O.M. squad".

Aamon walked out of the vault and looked down at the city. 'This city is his home, this is why you sided with him. I understand now Hanabi'.

V.E.N.O.M. in HarmoniaWhere stories live. Discover now