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After some time, Gusion decided to assign Hanabi and Angela on a recon mission one of the S.A.B.E.R. team, Cyclops. "From our intel, he left the building for task that is just near the border of Zlatan," Gusion began to address the mission, "he's there just to gain allies with the Moniyan Empire".

"Don't we have friends there? I mean Nephilia have Fanny and Miya as friends," Angela asked.

"The problem is Vespid," Hanabi answered for Gusion, "they are under watchful eyes of the empire. We are just casual friends, not allies, and there is a difference between the two".

Gusion nodded at her answer. "For now, you both get everything we need to know about that meeting. Meanwhile, Grock and Haley will go after The Automata, Johnson. He is helping The Regulator to escort an important VIP".

"I am assuming that VIP might be a researcher," Harley assumed, "then what's with the heavy security?"

"Because of our last attack, even low rank researchers are granted for a level 2 security. Which means an escort by on the S.A.B.E.R. members themselves," Hanabi answered.

"Thanks to Hanabi's info, we have a couple of weeks, at least to strike them".

As the meeting ended, Hanabi was about to leave with the rest, when Gusion stopped her. "A word Nephilia," he said. She turned to Angela and asked her to wait in the living room. Without another word, Angela implied to her orders and leave the spider with the scorpion.

Hanabi didn't want another minute with her leader, she wanted to avoid him as much as possible, yet apart of her was grateful to see him well. 'He just want to talk the mission, he is not that sensitive about our personal problem, right?' she asked herself. She watched him, looking at her as if the sight of her was enough to satisfied him. The silence in the room was defiantly loud, yet maddening to her. She so much wished that she could be able to read his expression. Finally, he let out a heavy sigh and lead her to Dr. Leo's lab. It was just a short journey from the meeting room to the lab, but it felt like she had been walking for hours with him.

He even slowed down his pace, so he could walk side by side with her. She could feel the tension between them, and it's definitely suffocating. Accidentally, she stole some glances of the scorpion. 'Even though we always see each other everyday, why do I feel that he looks a bit different?' she thought, 'I must be tired, he's just the same as always; but I have a feeling that I might change in a bit'.

For half an hour, Angela was waiting for Hanabi in the main room, promising that she will join her in their assigned mission after a short chat with Gusion. Angela let out a heavy sigh as she wondered, why she is taking her time with Gusion. 'It must be serious, if they are taking this long,' she thought, 'but what's so serious that they are wasting valuable time for this mission alone?'

As she thought about to look for the marksman, Gusion walked into the room. "Captain, where is Nephilia?" she asked, worrying for her comrade.

"Looks like Dr. Leo wants an audience with her, so I will accompany you on this recon mission, Vespid," he announced.

"How odd that he wants a meeting with Hanabi; I mean he doesn't  favour her much as the rest of us," she said crossing her arms.

"That is true, but she is a valuable member to this squad, Vespid".

"I know she is captain, especially towards you".

"Enough nonsense," he felt uncomfortable with her statement, "let's go," walking to the door.

While everyone else have gone out for their missions, Dyroth and Hanabi had been locked away in Dr. Leo's lab. "Is this really for the best?" he asked, looking at the marksman.

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