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Hanabi sat at her desk as she finished up her report on the upgrade given by Dr. Leo. He intended to upgrade some of her weapons, so, she would be able to get the upper edge in some fights. She stopped typing as she let out a heavy sigh, she knew everything that he did was all for the future of Zlatan and for Gusion. They had history together and Gusion is his most loyal follower and powerful agent, under his wing. Hanabi never wanted to be in this squad in the first place, but what choice did she had, when she was given a guaranteed to accomplish her own purpose.

She pushed away the keyboard as she rested her head on the desk. She felt incomplete and empty, 'What's missing in my life?' she thought. While lost in her own thoughts, a cup of sakura tea was place on her desk. She looked back to see Dyroth there, with his head turned away from her and nervously scratching the back of his neck. "It's getting colder, so, I thought this could warm you up. It will be hard if you get rat sick during a mission," he said, while his cheeks burn slightly pink.

Hanabi let out a light chuckle, seeing his cute reaction. He and Harley reminded her so much of Mike, no matter how hard they tried to deny it. "Thank you, lil prince," she thanked his with a tease, as she took a sip of her tea.

"Do not call me that!" he yelled as his cheeks now completely burned pink. "I'm not that guy no more".

"I know, but to me you are still a prince," she smiled as she got up.

Dyroth turned his head away from her again. He admitted, that he was treat with love by his millionaire adoptive father, but it was still hard to believe that he would commit such crime. He had no other sibling in his foster family, but he was happy with his family. Now with Hanabi, he felt like she was biological sister. Silvana was indeed was his biological sister and he knew that, but he couldn't see that through his eyes. And Hanabi was the one, that night, who rescued him from the assassins. If it weren't from her, he wouldn't be alive here and if she didn't convince Dr. Leo and Gusion, he would be arrested. He owe her a lot, but why.

"I wanted to ask you something," today it will be the day he asked, "why you saved me that day? You could just left me there to die and mind your own business; and aren't you guys the villains in this entire sci-fi story?"

Hanabi walked up to her bed, while she took out a handkerchief to polish her kunai. "That's what they all say, and like the two sides of a coin; there is also two sides of the story," she said down as she gestured him to sit beside.

Dyroth was hesitant for bit, her argument was solid, he never knew her side of the story and it could perhaps change his own view of things; he did not join this squad for nothing. He sat down beside, deciding to listen to her defence. "We are not villains in this tale, nor we are heroes; you could say that we are good people that take a different solution to the matter," she began.

"Yes, we may get the parts we need from the black market, including getting some enhance mechanical body parts, but if we don't then how are we going to fight for our cause. I know you hated all about the black market, Dyroth; but you have to understand that what we're doing is for the good of Zlatan".

"What about your cause? I was told that you only join for revenge".

Hanabi let out a slight chuckle, "I will not deny it, that is fully true. I wanted revenge on that pesky squad. They are the reason for my brother's demise. I want nothing more than to have justice for him. He did nothing wrong and he just following his dreams in his own way. I knew his methods are extreme, but it is no reason for them to execute him so harshly," she tightly gripped her kunai, holding back the tears, that threatened to roll down here cheeks.

Dyroth wanted to comfort her, but he was hesitant and didn't know how to. He never had sibling before. Hanabi took a deep breath, calming her avenging heart and to cool down her nerves. "As to why I saved you, is just that you reminded me so much of Mike, I guess. You're ambitions, sometimes reckless, but you have good intention; just like he did ," she said. She watched the by blushed with embarrassment, while she let out a light chuckle. 'How adorable,' she thought as she gave him a sweet, small smile. Hanabi already saw Harley as her little, it wouldn't hurt to add one more, right?

"I enjoy our talk Dyroth," she said as she walked to her closet.

"I still have more to ask you about this squad," he pleaded.

"Another time," she walked out in full uniform, "the captain asked for a friendly sparring time with me. And I do not break my promises". She felt guilt building up inside of her as Dyroth felt a bit disappointed. "Perhaps we can continue this at another time," she smiled, while ruffling his hair.

Surprisingly, he didn't push away her touch. He felt comfortable with her and wanting to feel more of her touch. He was seeing her more and more as his sister, that he never had. She finished her tea before leaving and head straight to the training room. As she just about to enter the room, Gusion just arrive, with his uniform a bit in a mess, as if he was in a hurry. Hanabi only could smile at the captain of the squad, it had been a while since she saw him look a bit ridiculous. "You're on time captian," she said as she went inside, "certainly surprising".

Inside, both Hanabi and Gusion start their stretches before they start sparring. While stretching, Gusion stole some glances of his marksman. It's been a week since Aamon left Zlatan, returning to his duties as the duke and things haven't change between the two of them. Hanabi remained professional with Gusion and tried to avoid him as much possible. While Gusion tried his best to get close to her again. He wanted things to back like they used to be; before she went away for the mission. He knew the risk and rejected it, but he couldn't say no to her. He wanted to give everything to her and more, treating her as his true lover.

A while later, the sound of blades clashing was louder than Harley's typing on the lab's computer. Gusion was surprised that she became faster, sharper reflexes and showing off some new skills, that he never seen her practice before. Being her improve more, made him even more furious than before. She did everything with his brother and not him.

Both panting of exhaustion after hours of sparring. "Let's take 5, Nephilia," he ordered. Hanabi nodded as she sat down on the closes chair she could find. Gusion drank his water as he eyed her from top to bottom. He watched her tilted her head back while closing her eyes, her chest moving up and down, following her panting breath; while crossing her long legs. He grabbed another bottle and walked over to her. "Drink a little Hana," he gave her the water bottle, "hydrate a little or I have to carry you to the infirmary; of dehydration".

"Thanks," she took the bottle and drank it, while turning her head away from him.

He knew her too well, as it was a habit of hers to turn away when she felt embarrassed or shy. He took a good look at himself in the mirror, that was behind Hanabi. The more he looked at himself, the more he resembled his brother that he despised. He badly wanted to punch the reflection of his, anything about his brother irritates him to the bone. He mentally calmed himself as looked down of Hanabi. If he could, he wanted to have his way with her and really make her permanantly his; but if he did, she would have hated him even more than before. With a heavy sigh, he ordered her to continue sparing together.

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