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After the meeting with Dr. Leo, Hanabi decided to went out with some of her friends, of their favourite coffee shop. Hanabi stood in front of the cafe in her civilian clothes, waiting for friends to arrive. She looked down at her phone and scrolled down the photos in her gallery. Every one of the pictures are of her and the squad and a few of her friends. She then stopped scrolling at the photos of her with two of her ex-lovers. As she turned off her phone, she watched Silvana, Miya, Fanny, Natalia and unexpectedly Freya, walking up to her.

"Well, well, if isn't the great arachnid marksman; how you've been Hana?" Freya asked with a smile.

"Honestly back to square one," she replied with a frown.

"Again?" Natalia asked, "you need to see a therapist Hana".

"Or she is a really powerful dude magnet," Fanny teased.

"How about we sat down and discuss about this?" asked Miya.

Everyone nodded and went inside. Hanabi kept silent for the entire time, even after she bought herself some coffee. None of them, not even

The group didn't know what to say. They didn't know the entire story and they had a hard time reading her emotions. Not even her closest friends, Fanny and Miya, could respond to this familiar situation, she was facing. "So, what happen back at your base after that sudden raid you pulled on my squad?" Freya asked as she stirred her coffee.

All eyes were on Hanabi, waiting for her response; hoping they could get a clue on how to comfort her. Hanabi let out a heavy sigh and told what happen between her and the Paxley siblings. After a long explanation, apart from the sounds conversation from the other customers, the silent between the group of friends as indeed loud. "I hate to say this, but this is really back to square one," said Miya.

"Have you truly fallen for Duke Paxley?" Silvana asked.

"Like I have told Gusion: I'm head over heels in love with him," she said as she slumped back in her seat.

Freya put down her drink as she began to speak, "Or perhaps you are ready to let go of your revenge for your brother?"

Everyone looked at her with their faces asking her was she serious. "Look, I'm not saying this because of my job; but, perhaps you are moving forward with your life and turning over a new leaf. Like you said your moving forward from your relationship with Gusion, perhaps that because of Aamon's influence that you are changing".

"Maybe, but I can't deny that I could still like him because of our past; and I'm not letting go of my revenge towards them," she clutched her cup tightly. She stared outside and noticed a tiny snowflake on the window. She quickly put down her drink and dashed outside, as she ignored her friends' calls and stood out, while the snow gently fell down on her. The first breeze of winter began to gently blew against her face. Closing her eyes, as a wave of nostalgia slowly bringing in her sands of memories. She remembered running the snow as a child with someone behind her.

Her body slightly shiver as the first snowflake landed on her nose causing her to sneeze. She could only smile, her past filling her mind. "Look Mike, it's snowing," she whispered as if she was sending a prayer to her dear brother. The snow continuously to fell down on her, and yet she refuses to go back inside; as if the cold winds are warming her up.

Her companions could only watched her enjoy the start of the winter, they wished for her to be free from her conflicts and enjoy the only memory that comforts her at this time. Freya did the same as the rest, Hanabi may be her enemy; but only during her work hours. She did not want to ruin the one kind relationship she had with the arachnid. In the corner of her eye, she noticed a familiar nobleman, walking up to the marksman. 'Lord Paxley is indeed a good gentlemen, but Gusion is her true soulmate,' she thought as she joined the rest for the spectacle that would certainly change this fairytale.

Hanabi then noticed the snow suddenly stopped falling onto her, but when she opened her eyes, the snow in front of her continues to fall. She looked up to see an umbrella shielding her from the snow; slightly turning her head to see Aamon, holding an umbrella for her. "You might catch a cold Hanabi," he worriedly said.

"It's the first moment of winter; it's not that cold," she looked up at the dark clouds. Perhaps those gloomy clouds helped brighten her day. Aamon sighed in defeat as he knew it will be a waste arguing with the sharp-tongue marksman. She had a reputation for her way with words and to win in any argument. Hanabi wasn't the type to give up so easily, she would go too any lengths to achieve her goals. Her determination that made the strict Duke of Shards, soften his heart.

Hanabi felt an atmosphere that was radiating from the duke, feeling quite warm and soothing. Even when the temperature was dropping, she felt war in his presence and wish, that could last; but she was afraid that she would disappoint him even more. After all, he became a story that had been told by her. Aamon placed his coat around her shoulder as he placed a gently kiss on the side of her forehead, "Perhaps, we could pretend a little longer," he gave a loving smile.

Hanabi was stunned, she did not know how to respond to his gesture, and yet she replied with a smile, "I like that". From across the street, Gusion watch it all in envy. He hated that his brother will get anything he wanted with ease, while he had to work hard to get what he want, like his marksman's heart. He clenched his fists, burying his anger deeper. If it were him, he would challenge Aamon to a dual and end him; however he decided to restrain himself, as he knew the consequences to his brother's demise. Gusion knew there was only a slight chance that he will gaining her affection, it is better than nothing. He crossed the street, walking towards them. Aamon wrapped his arm around Hanabi's waist, pulling her close to him, afraid his younger brother would hurt her again. However, Gusion merely walked passed them and into the cafe.

He briefly glanced at Hanabi, watching her avoid his eyes, not wanting to face him with Aamon around. Gusion as he entered the cafe. "Is she really going to choose Aamon over Gusion?" asked Natalia.

"Yup, she is," said Gusion, who was standing behind the group with a cup of coffee in hand.

The group whipped their heads towards him. "How did you manage to buy a coffee that fast and how you know?" asked Miya.

"I'm not called an assassin for nothing, ladies; for once, I'm letting them spend a little time longer," he said as he takes a sip.

"Are you going to give up that easily?" Fanny asked.

"No, but in a matter of days, he will be a distant memory to her; since the family elders demanded him to return home. Until then, I'm willing to be patient," he said, "also, this is Hanabi's, I'm guessing she won't come back in," he took another sip.

"You are truly in love with her, Emperor," said Freya as she took a sip from her cup.

"Funny, that I'm actually agreeing with a member of my enemy".

"I'm on the clock Gusion, right now, I'm counted as Hanabi's acquaintance".

"I will take your word then, Freya," he watched his brother and marksman walked away from the cafe. He's not yet giving up yet, but he was willing to wait for that perfect movement.

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