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"Looks like I really underestimate you Nephilia," said Saber.

"How kind of you Regulator; and I must say I overestimated your intelligence team. They are much more fun to tease than I had thought," said Hanabi as she stood beside her leader.

"How did it go?" Gusion asked.

"As pathetic as you said captain, Cobra and I dealt with the ambush squad; just need to finish up some loose ends," she reported, looking at both Saber and her ex-fiance.

"You looked different Hana," Aamon commented as he noticed a slight difference from the last time he saw her.

"It was fun being an experiment for a while," she replied, "I don't understand why Lizard hated it".

Both Saber and Aamon looked mortified at her. How could anyone like herself would enjoy being a lab rat for the enemy. Aamon glared at his younger brother and demanded an explanation for what had happen to his former lover. Gusion could only shrugged in response, as her new behaviour was new to him as well.

"Your grace, the web's effects," said Saber, noticing Hanabi's ultimate beginning to wore off.

Both Hanabi and Gusion distanced themselves as they prepare for an attack. "Captain, I'll take Saber," she suggested.

"Negative Nephilia, I have a score to settle with him," Gusion rejected. However, her response shocked him. Hanabi grabbed his collar and pulling him close to her.

"Listen here Paxley! This no time for personal affairs you have against him; this is a f*cking battle! So get it together captain," Hanabi shoved him hard, showing her annoyance and power towards him.

Gusion was gobsmacked at her change in behavior. She was showing more attoroty and dominance and of course more confidence; to which made the old Hanabi more of a coward than a true soldier. To the squad, this is what they needed in a marksman, but to him me missed the old Hanabi.

He know it would be a waste of time to argue back at her, so he complied to her suggestion and focus his aim at Aamon. However, before they begun their attack, Hanabi uploaded a special equipment spell into Gusion's armour. "Something to give you an edge, captain," she said, returning her focus towards the legal assassin.

Saber lunged his first strike towards Hanabi, knowing that she will be an easy target to kill. "Watashi no kaga o!" she weaved some hand-signs. In a blink of an eye, Hanabi managed to dodge his attack. Saber looked back at her in shock and awe; he could have sworn that she did have that kind of speed and he was certain that she did not have her shield ready yet. Still in shock he asked her how she managed to do that. Hanabi could only smirked at him as threw her kunai at him. Saber blocked it and continued their duel.

Aamon disappeared into his invisible cloaked as he positioned himself for an assault. Gusion kept his eyes peeled for his brother as he remembered that Aamon's clocke gave off a slight figure, which can be seen with the naked eye. "Young man, are you having fun?" Gusion heard his older brother's voice asking him.

"You can say that brother," he replied as did not let his guard down.

"Gusion you seen what your choices had done," Aamon reappeared in the distance, "look at what you had done to you marksman". Gusion turned his attention towards Hanabi, seeing her personality changing so drastically after Dr. Leo's experiment. He wanted his old marksman back.

Gusion let out a heavy sigh, "Your right elder brother, she changed so much". Aamon was pleased that his brother was snapping some sence. "However," Gusion continued, "this is what she wanted; I made a promise to her and I intend to achieve that promise," Gusion marked Aamon with his blade.

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