Chrissy Cunningham Imagine

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You didn't fall for people often but this time was different. You constantly felt your eyes attach themselves to the elegant beauty of a best friend that was Chrissy Cunningham. You always brushed it aside and just thought you admired that she was pretty and how nice a popular girl can be, she didn't have the mean girl stereotype like the other girls and you liked that about her. You and Chrissy shared multiple interests but you weren't very popular like she was. It was lunchtime and you chose to sit elsewhere to avoid Jason and his rude remarks about how you hung out with the freak, Eddie munson and his flock. You hadn't been into DnD but you were a part of corroded coffin and attended hellfire nights just to watch, you found it too complicated to learn and play but everyday you reassured chrissy that it was okay if she wanted to sit with the popular crowd, it didn't bother you. You two were inseparable opposites since you were in diapers plus she was dating Jason which burst your bubble time and time again.
One day while walking through the woods to go home from school, you and Chrissy chatted about plans for after graduation.
"They say you discover yourself in college, ya know" chrissy said as she smiled at you while kicking little pebbles and sticks.
"To be honest with you, Chris, I don't think I'm ever leaving Hawkins." You shrug, leaning against a tree
You dig around for a lighter in your pocket for the cigarette loosely hanging out of your mouth.
Lighting your cigarette you look at chrissy "plus, I'm going through something I've never felt before, man" you sigh, running your hands through your hair
Chrissy looks at you "I can tell, you've been different lately. Can I help?" she questions
"Chrissy, I love you and all but I don't think you'd understand how I'm feeling right now! Sorry but no, you can't" you snap causing her to be taken aback by your tone.
"It's-" you cut Chrissy off due to being fed up with how you felt about her. You kissed her and didn't even realise what you had done until she backed away confused, wiping her lips
"I-I'm so sorry" you mutter, at that moment you panicked and you bolted for Eddie's trailer. You get to his doorstep and bang on the door violently. "GOD DAMN IT EDS, OPEN UP!" you scream
"Alright alright crazy lady! What's wrong y/n? " he says opening the door
"I was freaking out, I didn't even think, man! I-" you panicked as Eddie tried to calm you down
"Woah there, what did you do? I don't have to hide you from the police or anything do I?" Eddie says as he pulls you inside the trailer
"Idk, maybe?! If Jason finds out you might need to hide me or something from him but that's besides the point! I kissed her! I kissed Chrissy!" You sit down and cover your face with your hands.
"She probably hates me now, thinks I'm gross because I'm not straight. I'm too god damn curious for my own good, man" you say as Eddie listens to you trying to find the right words of advice.
"Did she say anything about the kiss?" He questions
"No, I ran away before she could." You say, now playing with your bracelets, nervously
"I kissed a girl, Eddie and I liked it." You say as tears fill up your eyes
"All I could taste was her cherry lip gloss and I bet all she could taste on me was cigarettes, I'm such an idiot!" You run your hands through your hair again
"So let me get this straight, you kissed a girl, liked it and now you're freaking out" Eddie says fiddling with his pic necklace. You nod but at that moment you hear a knock at the door. Eddie answered it, it was chrissy. Eddie looked at you mouthing "it's her" and all you wanted to say was "tell her I'm dead, I left the country, anything!" But you opted to talk to her and just hoped for the best.
"You kinda took off back there" she chuckles which made you chuckle yourself "yeah, I get all freaked out and I turn a heel and run." You joke earning yourself a cute giggle from chrissy.
"Y/n, I'll be honest you caught my attention months ago and I was scared to say anything because I didn't know how you'd react." Chrissy said as she played with the sleeves of her letterman jacket "I liked the kiss, I was waiting for you to make a move but it stunned me just as much as you so I didn't respond and when I wanted to, you were gone." You got lost in staring at Chrissy's big beautiful eyes but quickly snapped out of it. "Chrissy, are you trying to tell me that you have feelings for me too? What about Jason?" You looked at chrissy confused
"I broke up with Jason months ago, around the time I started catching feelings for you so yes, that's what I'm trying to say" she blushes as you cup her cheeks softly
"So I guess you wouldn't mind me doing this then" you grab her and kiss her "I hope that clears up how I feel about you" you guys smile as chrissy hugs into you closely
"Hey, chrissy? Did you want to be my girlfriend?" You add "a million times, yes" she says kissing you and hugging you tight.
Forgetting Eddie was there, you hear a slow clap from Eddie
"Ah, Cupid has struck again" he smirks
"Shut the hell up, munson" you say in unison, giggling

Since neither of you had a car, Eddie drove you guys to her house where you spent the night cuddling and watching movies. It was safe to say you loved each other, a lot.

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