Nancy Wheeler Imagine

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Working at the Hawkins had its perks and downfalls. Your dad ran Hawkins post and had hired both Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers for the summer. Nancy to find out stories and research them and Jonathan for the photo aspects. Every morning before work you stopped by to say hello or get your hands on the first bit of gossip but mainly to see your girlfriend, Nancy.
Compared to the rest of your family, you were the outcast and Heather is hellbent on the fact that you're in fact adopted when in a sad reality, Heather Holloway was your bitchy annoying younger sister, the favourite, the golden child, you name it! Your parents didn't fail to remind you that you were a failure every day for the past 19 years.
You had a different view of things, a different style, a different everything. You constantly wished you were placed in a different family or something because you had hated telling anyone that you were a Holloway. You had been walking for a good 10 minutes now, you could see the sign overhanging the establishment with big letters in a dancing like script. You reach the door and head inside up over a set of stairs to see the lovely secretary who thought the world over you and you thought a lot over her too. "Good Morning, Susan!" You beamed "I'm here to see the old man" . You lean against her desk and slide down your sunglasses just enough to see her clearly.
"Y/n, He's in a board meeting right now but you're welcome to stick around! He shouldn't be much longer, dear" she smiles as she continues to write something that was probably super important but you didn't care.
"Thanks darlin'" you snap your gum and walk over to the photo development room.
"Ah! Y/n, shut the goddamn door!" Jonathan shouts
"Sorry!" You say sarcastically, putting your hands up in surrender. You walk over to where he was and look at the beautiful things that he had captured.
"Wow, Byers! These are stunning!" You admire the photos in front of you.
"But uh, that's not why I'm here! Is nance around?" You question
"She's out getting coffee for the big guy" he says making quotations marks with his fingers
"The man is made of money and coffee, sucks he has such a shitty personality though ." You say as Nancy comes through the door, Jonathan getting upset again due to the light outside going to ruin his pictures for the paper.
"Sorry, sorry! Hey y/n!" She hugs you
"There's my favourite news girl!" You exclaim while hugging back
"Write anything new lately?" You smile
"Something about the protest, nothing spectacular according to your father" Nancy says defeatedly as she slides down the wall putting her head to her knees.
"I read the article. It's really good, it's 100% front page worthy" Jonathan adds
"Let me read it?" You ask as Nancy holds out her notebook
"It's utter shit, y/n! Utter shit." She runs her hands through her hair.
"Nance! This is incredible!" You say excitedly
"Sorry, my dad is such an ass!" You frown and hug Nancy again
"Thanks y/n, it's okay but getting through to him is never gonna happen" she frowns
You rest your head against hers "nance, stand your ground against my father or if not, I will." You try to give her confidence.
"Idk y/n, I really need the money. I can't lose this job." You could tell she was hesitant so you kissed her forehead "go do your things, I'll be right back. I'm not letting my girlfriend be put down by my father." You run out the door to your fathers office
"Good morning, y/n" your father greets you from his desk
"Cut the crap" you were pissed because for months now they've treated Nancy like shit.
"What are you even going on with, y/n" your dad laughs
"I'm sick of your shit! Ever since I've started dating Nancy Wheeler and even before that, you've treated her like shit" you yell
"What she writes is not.."
You cut him off "what she writes is not what, dad?" You were beyond pissed at this point
"News worthy, it's not interesting enough." He chuckles while you stare blankly at him.
"It's about the goddamn protest and our stupid mayor, Larry Kline. That should be on the front page!" You gritted your teeth.
"It's not what the people want to read about! Lies make the best news!" Your dad states
"This is pathetic. You're pathetic. It's always been about money! As long as you're making bank, you don't give a rat's ass about anyone or anything but yourself!"
You shout
"You know my favourite record store shut down last week because of Larry Kline and starcourt mall?" You were baffled by how stupid and money hungry your father was.
"Maybe if you weren't so far up the mayors ass, you wouldn't be so stupid and arrogant." You were furious and it took you a lot to get mad but this was your girlfriend and shit like this didn't slide well with you.
"Also, stop being a sexist pig." You say angrily.
In a fit of rage you kept arguing and you pushed over his filing cabinet, computer and other valuable things.
"I'm not paying for it, fuck that." You lick your lips and walk out of his office, grabbing Nancy on the way out.
"Nancy, you better like scooping ice cream because scoops is getting a new employee" you say pushing yourselves along
"Y/n, what did you do?" Nancy stops you in front of the building.
"What needed to be done, also I hope Karen has room for another kid because he kicked me out but I don't give a shit." You shrug
"Y/n! Why'd you do that?" Nancy pushes your arm slightly
"Because nance, I love you and I wasn't gonna let my dad ruin your life like that, it's not fair." You half smile looking for approval.
Nancy smiles "you love me?"
You smile back "of course I do, why wouldn't I?"
Nancy grabs you and kisses you
"I'm lucky to have you, y/n. Really lucky." She hugs into you
"Nancy Wheeler, don't stop being amazing. Okay?"you say
"Okay." She smiles
"Good, because I love it." You wrap your arm around her and begin to walk to her car.
"Uh nance?" You question her
"I need a ride to work or Steve is gonna have a conniption fit" you laugh nervously
"Okay, let's go" Nancy laughs as you kiss her cheek as a thank you.
"Is there anywhere hiring in the mall that's not messy?" Nancy says
"The gap. Maybe you can get Mike's clothes for a discount then!" You laugh as Nancy joins but rolling her eyes as she drives you to work.

*SORRY ITS LIKE ALL OVER THE PLACE. The adhd clearly kicked in at the mid way point.
Can y'all be darlings and help a girl out with some imagine or preference ideas? PLEASE! Ya girl lacking creativity juice here!

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