Gareth Emerson Imagine

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TW: mentions of bullying and body/eating issues

School was always a shitshow but today you just wanted to melt into the floorboards and disappear. Jason Carver didn't make your life easy especially since you liked to play a fantasy game with a bunch of freaks and it really didn't help that they were male either. He would say things about you fucking the whole club instead of actually playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons. You were teased, taunted and bullied daily by Jason and his posse and the only people to stand up for you were of course the hellfire club. The boys were like brothers to you except one, you and Gareth Emerson had history. You two had once shared a kiss on the swing set in middle school on a dare and without either of you knowing, developed big crushes on each other. He was your first friend and luckily he had built up a good reputation with your family.
It was lunchtime and you headed to the cafeteria and sat next to Gareth and Eddie
"Studies link violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... murder!" Eddie sticks his tongue out like a demon
"What are you getting on about now, Ed's?" You say laughing, laying down your lunch tray
"We're the freaks because... we like to play a fantasy game?" He stands up and jumps up on the table
"Oh great, here we go again" Gareth says shaking his head then downing the rest of his Dr.Pepper
you giggle, "he might be making a point or about to get a detention from Mr. Higgins" you shyly pick at your lunch, you weren't that hungry. About 10 minutes before lunch, Jason said something about your body and weight and of course it made you feel gross and upset.
"But as long as you're into band, or science, or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" Eddie who was now near the end of the table stares in the direction of Jason and his friends. Jason stands up and looks at Eddie "you want something, freak?" He scowls As eddie proceeds to make a demon face with his fingers for horns. Causing you all to laugh as he made his way back down the table and jumped off.
"Hey, y/n! You've barely touched your lunch, this isn't normal for you" Gareth whispers to you as you come out of your trance. "Oh yeah..I um..not that hungry today, I had a big breakfast" you lied and you never lied to Gareth. You guys spent the rest of the evening talking about that night's campaign.

*łë tīmë škīp*

In the meeting you and the boys all stare at Lucas sinclairs sub, his sister, Erica.
"Absolutely not" Eddie says fiddling with his rings
"This is hellfire club not babysitting club" he snaps
"Ed's, give her a chance! She might even be better than you, Munson!" You chuckle at the offended man in front of you, you ruffling his hair.
Time passes and Erica rolled a twenty, actually defeating Vecna which shocked you all. Everyone celebrated and you tried to share the enthusiasm but you couldn't and you hoped no one would notice but Gareth noticed you were off, you always got excited over a victory in DnD.
"Need a ride home, Guys ?" Eddie asks you and Gareth.
"I'm fine Ed's, I feel like walking tonight." You fake a smile
"I don't live far from Y/N. I'll walk with her, if that's okay?" He smiles looking for reassurance, you nod in approval and begin walking home with Gareth.
"I'm worried about you, Y/N" he says softly
"How so?" You say pretending to be confused
"You haven't been eating, you haven't been yourself and you haven't been at what? 3 band practices now?" Gareth stops and looks at you "what's on the go?" He questions.
You choke on your words "I'm fine, just busy and not hungry" you fake another smile
"No, y/n! You're not fine, you're my best friend and I can't let you do this to yourself!" He yells. All the sudden you break down crying, hugging Gareth. "Jason..he's so mean! What did I do to deserve this?" You sob into Gareth's chest harder as he tightens his embrace around you "shush, you did nothing, sweetheart. You're perfect" he lifts your head by your chin and wipes your tears from your eyes "Gareth..he said I'm incapable of love.. that I'm screwing the whole hellfire club and he makes sexual gestures at's so mean and disgusting." You look at him with sadness in your eyes "listen, y/n. It's not true and we all know it. We all love you, especially me." He rests his head against yours and you try to smile at his words. "I love you, y/n. I always have and always will" he smiles, kissing my forehead. "I love you too" you manage to crack a smile. "Now let's get you home. Washed up and to bed" he giggles
You reach your house and you both head up the stairs, your parents didn't mind him being over, he stayed over more than once and for more than one night. He brings you to the bathroom and runs a cloth under some warm water and removes your remaining makeup, brushes your hair and gets you your pjs.
"Gareth?" You ask "stay the night?" He nods and pulls extra blankets out of the closet. " can sleep in the bed too.." you smile softly as you both crawl into bed under the covers, he takes off his shirt and then proceeds to pull you close to him. "You're gonna be alright, princess" he kisses you and you cuddle into him, putting your face into the crook of his neck.
"Good night, y/n"
"Good night, Gareth" you mumble just before passing out for the night.

he vowed to protect you. After all, he was Gareth the great.

~Sorry If this seems rushed!!! I'm still getting back in the groove of writing imagines again!

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