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You decide you'll just rest your eyes for a little bit, but then you get scared you're going to fall asleep and you don't want to fall asleep with a stranger in your room. and Nirmal is essentially a stranger. You shut yourself in the closet, deciding that if you fall asleep you'll hit your head and wake up again. You tell yourself not to fall asleep. Think about scary things! Like aliens. Don't be silly, Rabbit. The alien did nothing wrong, it was those military humans who fucked everything up. That alien was only trying to protect itself. While you're in the closet thinking about aliens you make a plan to go and talk to the alien. See what you can work out without any weapons. You come out of the dark wardrobe and tell Nirmal to leave. He's still lying on your bed. 

"Please, leave." you say. "I know I don't own this place, but I just think it would be nice if you wouldn't be in my room while I sleep." your brain is too clouded to know if that sounded rude or not. Or maybe you never would have been able to tell. But it doesn't matter, because he's already asleep. You don't have the key to any other room, so you pull some blankets out from under Nirmal and settle for same room-different bed. You make yourself a nest on the floor. Your head is swirling with death, astronauts, guns, aliens and a lot of alcohol. You melt into the wooden floor.


The next morning your head hurts, but you get up anyway. Nirmal is snoring on your bed, and you don't want to wake him. You leave a thank you note, take your jacket and leave. Nirmal is quite well strapped into your gas mask so you don't bother taking it.

On the way, you pick up a nice pretty space suit and put it on instead of a gas mask. It's much heavier than it would usually be on Earth, because you're hung over, but you don't mind. You know what you're doing now. You're going to save the world.

You walk up the ramp pointing towards the alien. The General isn't in her office today. Nobody else is there. You use Morse Code to tell the alien you come in peace. Clicking your tongue P-E-A-C-E. It's worth a shot. You tell yourself.

Gravity starts to weaken and you start to float. You hover past the eye of the alien and it watches you. It doesn't lash out though. It just watches you. Then it opens its enormous jaws and lets you in. You float inside and in there you see all the alien's offspring. Bald primateoids, about your size.

They look just like you.

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