// Chapter One : A what? //

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Quackity POV

I walked around my cabin, my stomach growling loudly. I checked out my cabinets in my kitchen to look for food. There was nothing in them.

I frowned and sighed, my stomach growling again. I walked over to my satchel by the cabin door. I looked in my satchel, seeing three gold coins. I whimpered and picked up my satchel, walking outside, closing the cabin door behind me. I started walking towards the nearest village.  It was sunny outside and warm, only a few clouds in sight.

After a few minutes I got to the village and I looked around, seeing guards walking by and other people walking around. Stores seen afar employees helping customers. I also saw Prince Wilbur up in his castle, sitting on the edge of his balcony. He looked like he didnt care about anything.

I walked over to the grains shop, dodging people as I was walking. Many people out today. I wonder why. I stood in line, for a few more minutes, waiting, until finally it was my turn, my tail swaying behind me.

"Oh, Hello good sir. Are you buying something? Or are you just looking and wasting our time?" The employee asked me.

"Nono- I want some bread, please. I'm very hungry." I answered them.

"You gotta have money kid," they snarled.

"How much for a piece of bread?"

"Three gold, that's it," they stared at me.

"But- That's all I have..." I frowned and held my coins.

"Aw, that's too bad then- Next-"

"Wait wait- No, I'll take one piece of bread please-" I told them, desperately.

The employee nodded and handed me a warm piece of bread, I gave them my coins in return. I walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, my stomach growling, I took a bite of the delicious warm bread.

"Hey- You kid," someone said, but I ignored them, taking another bite of my bread. Then I felt something tap my shoulder, I looked up at them, confused.

"You're looking for money aren't you?" they asked me.

I tilted my head, "how did you know?"

"I have eyes and ears. What do you think?" they laughed slightly. I frowned, a bit hurt.

"I have a deal I want to make with you... If you complete my task I'll make you rich," they told me, they looked completely serious.

"What task?" I questioned the unknown person.

"I want you... To kill Prince Wilbur. And I'll give you thousands."

"B- But that's impossible!!!" I exclaimed.

"There's a ball tonight where he wants to meet his citizens... You can find him and kill him there."

"A ball?" I whimpered and took a bite of my bread, chewing on it then swallowing it. "How will I tell you I completed it? How will I get the money when the task is done?"

"You come by the dead tree with his necklace or his crown. To prove that he's dead." They pointed to a rotten tree at the edge of the village.

I nodded. "So by tonight... I do that-"

The unknown person smiled and nodded.

"How do I know you'll give me the money... Can you maybe give me a bit to prove you have it?"

They scoffed and showed some gold in their hands, not giving any to me.

I whimpered and took a bite out of my bread and ate it rather quickly, almost choking, "Maybe just a little bit of coins? Help a poor man out?"

They scoffed again and handed me 10 gold coins.

"Oh, thank you!" I smiled, happily.

They nodded, "Ill see you again by tonight. He better be dead," they walked off.

I nodded as well and I put the gold coins in my satchel and enjoyed the bread I got from the grains shop earlier. It was a bit colder than before when I first bought it. I smiled and hummed, enjoying myself.

-654 words-

A/N - Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! Have a good day and have a gold star! ⭐

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