// Chapter Fourteen : Another Dance? //

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Wilbur POV

Suddenly there was a knock on the library door.

Quackity  purred and didn't budge from my lap.

"I'll just... Get the door-"

I tried to get up but Quackity growled and didn't move.

"I'm too clingyyyy stayyyy- Just tell them to come innnn-"

"This is embarrassing," I smiled nervously.

Q whimpered and got off of me, "Stupid people always ruin the fun... Mnph."

I snickered a bit and got up, walking over to the library door, answering it.

"Sir, are you ready or not? The ball starts in 30 minutes."


Quackity walked up from behind me and pushed the other guy away, "Go away. We were having fun- We'll be there when we'll be there. We don't have a certain time limit. We do what we want-"

I turned a bright red, speechless. The other guy scoffed and walked away.

Quackity shut the door, I just stood there frozen and flustered as hell.

"Whats wrong?" Q asked.

"I- Well- I never- He was- How- He-" I stuttered a lot, a flustered mess.

"Huh...? Sometimes you have to be dominant and show others you're in charge." Q smiled.

I didn't respond to him, speechless.

Q smirked, "Bottom." He opened the door and left the room to go to the ball room.

"I- Fuck off there were so many things that I-" I ranted as I followed him, crossing my arms.

Q kept walking, "Shut up bottom boy."

"I- Hey-" I scoffed.

He looked back at me staring and glaring, "Shush."

I quickly went silent. Q smiled and faced forward again, walking to the bar. I kept following, tilting my head a bit. Q sat down and I did the same, slightly nervous.

"You can talk..."

"Alright- But what do I say then?"

"I don't know, say what you want- I'm not your boss love. Only in the bedroom."

"Oh fuck off-" I snickered.

"So you're admitting that you're a bottom?"

"I- No, I'm not a bottom."

"You don't have proof on that Wil."

I groaned in response, which made Quackity go silent.

I glanced at him, "Sorry..."

"Where is everyone so we can start?" He just completely ignores my apology.

I sighed, "The doors open in just a few minutes... So not very long."

Q whimpered.

"Hm? You alright Q?"

"I wanna danceeee-"

I smiled and quickly stood up, holding out my hand for him. Quackity's face turned red and he looked away, grabbing my hand. I pulled him up and put a hand on his waist. I heard him purring.

I started dancing with him, holding him close. There was no music playing but Q smiled anyways. I picked him up slightly and spun around, smiling brightly.

"Woah- Wil." Q squealed.

I put him down and kept smiling, I twirled him around.

One of the guards coughed and looked over at them, the placed a finger on their hand. Shit the time...

I sighed and slowed down, smiling nervously.

"Should I open the doors sir?" The guard asked.

I nodded slightly and the guard slowly opened the door.

People started walking inside and the music started playing.

-519 words-

A/N - Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! Have a good day and have a gold star!

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