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Camila POV:

It's been a month since I had my first sleepover as friends with Sebastian.

Since then, we've had sleepovers every Friday at his house when they have parties, instead of attending the parties, we go upstairs and watch movies. Nothing has happened between us, it's been platonic. I mean he sometimes looks at me for too long, longer than friends do, and walks me to my classes and gets me coffee every Monday morning after a long weekend. It's been really nice having him there. I also still haven't seen him with any girl. And Coincidentally, I haven't been with anyone since Sean.

Sean. Oh boy, he has been in and out of girls since we hooked up. We haven't really talked and when the group hangs out he's always walking away to hook up with another girl. I don't what's wrong with him. If I knew he would've acted like that, I would have never hooked up with him again. Or in general really.

It's also been a month since I haven't been working at the studio.

This past month has been refreshing. I'm feeling a lot better and less overwhelmed than I was when I was working. My therapist is happy with me and she says she thinks it's ready for me to go back. So I told my boss and she says I can start in two weeks. She doesn't want to make me rush into anything and go at my own pace and I agreed.

It's Halloween next week and I have to look for a costume. I'm walking out of my last class of the day when I see Sebastian leaning on the wall looking at his phone.

He looks so handsome. Wearing a black hoodie and the hood over his soft black curls, dark blue jeans, and black vans.

I see people walking by staring at him as usual. He's  beautiful to look at, I don't blame them.

I walk up to him and contemplate on scaring him but he looks up and smiles at me.

Oh that smile that makes my heart beat faster. Makes me have weak knees and my pu—

No. No we are just friends.

"Hey you" he says and walks up to me and takes my books for me.

"Hey youuu" I smile sweetly at him and he smiles back.

Oh I'm so fucking blushing right now.

"How was class?"

"The usual, I'm just happy that it's almost over. What are you doing over here? You're last class was at eleven and it's — I check my phone for the time— two fifteen."

"Yes thanks for stating the obvious" with humor in his voice.

I roll my eyes "hahaha"

"Okay Well I came to pick you up so we can go to lunch and then maybe go pick out our costumes together since it's Halloween on Friday"

"You read my mind! I was just thinking about what costume to pick"

"Alright then perfect let's go to the mall get something to eat and have a look around" he puts his arm around my shoulders and we start walking to his car.

"Wait I have my car here too" I tell him. And he says "yeah I'll bring you back afterwards or I can just pick you up tomorrow morning for class and you can drive tomorrow."

"Yeah sounds like a plan."


We're at the mall now at the food court eating Chick-fil-A.

I love their chicken nuggets and the Chick-fil-A a sauce.

I look up to see Sebastian staring at me funny.

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