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Camila POV:

The recital is today.

Pinch me

I feel like I've been practicing years for this monumental moment. Years of dedication, years of hard work and determination.

I'm applying makeup on a few kids while some parents volunteered to help as well to get the kids ready.

We have costume changes ready on the racks behind the stage. We're performing at the Richard G. Fallon theatre.

To say I'm anxious right now would be an understatement. It's my first time this year being completely in charge of the production. To the choreography, costumes, everything. My boss is pretty much my assistant at this point.

"Cami!" I turn around to see Lexie calling me. Oh thank god.

"You're here!" I smile in relief. She's helping me tonight. She's recording and taking photos of the whole recital. She's a godsend.

"I got you girlie. Where else would I be?" She winks and hugs me from behind holding onto her camera and camera bag.

I set down the eyeshadow brush on the counter next to me "okay you're all done Philip. Now go get dressed in your costume."

He smiles his toothless smile at me, he's missing his two front teeth, "thank you Ms. Rodriguez." And scatters to the other students to get ready for the show.

"Ha Ms. Rodriguez? Pfffffffft not for long" Melanie strides in the back entrance with a tray of coffee.

"More like Mrs. De la Cruz" Lexie corrects.

Lexie and Melanie start cracking up once they see my cheeks redden. I roll my eyes at them and take a coffee off the tray "yeah yeah thank you."

I completely ignore the fluttering feeling in my stomach when they call me by Sebastian's last name and blame it on nerves for the show instead.

Yeah it's definitely the latter. I'm lying to myself.

"Es la verda, y tu lo sabes" Melanie wraps her arm around my shoulder and rubs my arm to calm me down. It's true and you know it

My body is literally shaking. My anxiety is at an all time high and I don't think the coffee will be a good idea. And it's like if Melanie is inside my head as she says "it's decaf babe"

I take a sip of the coffee and sit down on one of the benches in front of the mirror to put on my makeup. I use to be a freelance artist since junior year of high school, so luckily I have the skills of a makeup artist to do makeup and hair for this recital and we didn't have to spend more money than needed.

I stopped this year to focus on my mental health but I honestly didn't think I'd miss it so much.

"Don't get too much into your head, everything is going to be okay. It's not your first time, and it won't be your last either. You are a natural at this." Melanie tells me and then proceeds to stuff her face with a cream cheese bagel.

Ugh the smell of the cheese alone makes me nauseous. She's pregnant too and I don't know how she hasn't had morning sickness yet.

Lucky bitch.

"Thanks. I don't know why I'm so nervous." I finish applying concealer under my eyes, feeling like a brand new woman, because I had some serious dark bags under there. Especially after barely sleeping the last few nights. I'm surprised I can move properly without being sore.

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