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Camila POV:


You can hear a pin drop from how quiet the dinner table is right now.

The maids are placing the food on display for us. It's spaghetti and meatballs, bread sticks, and a house salad with baked asparagus on the side.

I'm sitting next to Sebastian and his father is sitting at the end of the table to his far left. The mother is sitting at the other end of the table to the right of me.

We're dressed as if we were going to the Oscar's. I'm wearing a silver halter top dress that reaches my ankles and silver heels. My hair is pin straight and I have red lipstick on.

Gracias a dios Melanie packed lots of beautiful outfits for me. She was right, don't tell her that though. Thank god.

Sebastian has a grey full suit on to match me. The dad is wearing the suit he had on earlier, and the mother is wearing a white full length dress, hair up in a bun with nude heels and nude lipstick.

After his father rudely dismissed me upstairs in the bedroom, Sebastian apologized profusely feeling completely bad that his father didn't bother to acknowledge me. He went on a rant of how much he hates him and how he wants to go to his house already because he can't stand him all in Italian. It was incredibly sexy hearing his accent but it was definitely not the time or the place to seduce him in forgetting his asshole of a father. 

I thought my dad was bad, his is worse. He's intimidating, and it feels like he holds a lot of power.

I'm scared to scrape my plate with my fork in case he wants to send me outside and get eaten by the dogs. Or worse thrown over the cliff outside.

I shutter from the thought and Sebastian puts his hand on my thigh gripping it lightly.

I look at him and see he half smiles at me and then grabs his drink of whiskey and drinks it all.

I cringe. I do not like whiskey.

I pick up my glass of sangria, fucking delicious over here in Italy by the way, and drink it all as well.

I have a feeling I'm going to need it.

I hear the dad scoff and I look over to him to see him eyeing me and then looks at his son.

"Qual e il tuo obeittivo qui Sebastian? E per divertimento? E per sfidarmi? Dopo tutto quello che ti ho dato! Porti una puttana a casa per cosa!?"His voice booms in the room. Sebastian what is your goal here? Is it for fun? Is it to defy me? After everything I've given you! You bring a whore home to what!?


Sebastian's knuckles turn white and he grips the table hard.

The silverware clatters on the table.

"Lei non e puttana. Lei e l'amore della mia vitta. Lei ha un nome. Lo sapresti se non fossi sempre un tale stronzo!" Sebastian rises up from his chair and turns to look at his mother "mamma, scusa se me ne andavo." She is not a whore, she is the love of my life. She has a name. And you would know it if you weren't such an asshole all the time! ; excuse me mom we're leaving

I get up from the chair and he takes me hand and interlocks our fingers. I give his mom a side glance and give her a timid half smile and she does the same. Her face looks incredibly guilty for her husbands wrong doings.

His father speaks again "ovviamente te ne vai, questo e tutto quello che fai. Devi imparare ad assumerti la responsabilita per una volta nella vita. Sta per rimanere incinta e poi sarai fottuto. of course you leave, that's all you ever do. You need to learn how to take responsibility for once in your life. She's going to end up pregnant and then you'll be fucked.

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