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"Say cheese!" exclaimed Molly Weasley with proudness.

"CHEESE!" Charlie and Jade shouted at the same time, with their faces pressed together and pulling funny expressions.

"I am so proud of you two" Molly dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. 

It was their last day at Hogwarts in their 7th year. Family members/Guardians were able to take last-minute photos before the 17/18 year olds could take the boats back to the Hogwarts express back home for the last time. 

"I wish mum and dad could be here," Jade said sadly. The Weasley of four smiled knowingly.

"Don't worry Jay-Bug." Said Charlie "You'll see them in a few hours at the station." He promised with a small smile.

Jade's nose scrunched at the nickname, but she remembered her nickname for him and smirked. "Alright Charles". Jade said with a wide smirk.

Charlie's facial expression changed from a smile on his face to a child-like expression. "I told you to stop calling me that. It sounds too formal" He huffed and crossed his arms like a 7 year old. Jade's response was sticking her tongue out at him. Bill, Mr and Mrs Weasley just chuckled at their childish actions.

"Just get together already" Bill whispered to his parents who nodded in agreement.

Platform 9 ¾  is always busy at this time of year. But since it's just the 7th year's family members, there are only fewer people than usual. When the train pulled up at the station, Jade and Charlie quickly got their trunks and Jade her owl and ran through the barrier to meet their parents.  On the other side of the barrier stood the full Weasley family and the Granger family. Jade was ecstatic to see her 11 year old sister. 

"JADE!" Hermione ran towards her older sister and gave her a bear hug.

"How is my smart little witch doing?" Jade laughed happily as she let go of Hermione.

"Great now that we can gossip about a certain red-haired boy," Hermione said out loud wiggling her eyebrows. Both Jade and Charlie blushed at that, Charlie recovered first and winked at his best friend who blushed even more.

Mr and Mrs Weasley looked at the two now young adults and smiled at each other knowingly. Remembering how they first fell in love with each other. 

"Don't forget to write over the summer Jay-Bug and remember to come over at least once a week." Jade smiled and nodded with enthusiasm. "Don't worry I will Charles," She laughed and quickly gave him a hug before running off to see her parents. Charlie smiled and muttered under his breath "Stop calling me that" he shook his head and walked to his family once more.

"Jade dear we need to talk" her mother Jean was in the living room with her father. Hermione was in her room reading. 

"Sure mam" Jade joins her parents in the living room. "What's this about?" She felt a bit nervous under her mother's stare but ignored it and looked at her father who smiled sympathetically. 

"How has your music been coming along?" Jade raised a brow, confused she looked to her dad and then back to her mum. "Umm Great I guess, what does this have to do with anything?" Her father looked uneasy.

Robert muttered to his wife "Maybe we shouldn't do this to her" but Mrs Granger gave him a look and he stayed quiet. Jean turned back to her daughter and said "I've put you through for an audition on the X Factor" 

Jade was shocked, too shocked to even react. 30 seconds later she spoke.

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Jade. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY AUDITION?"

"Don't you dare shout at me, young lady!" Jean shouted and stood up from her seat. Rober tried to push her back in her seat but she wouldn't budge. "You are to never use magic and if you love us, you will stay away from that Weasley boy."

Jade felt like her heart shattered. She always looked up to her mother for most things like,




Applying makeup for the first time

This is one of those times in your life where you question all that love a mother would give you. It was manipulation until they no longer need you in their life.

Jade had tears now rolling down her face as she heard hurried footsteps down the stairs. Jade turned to see Hermione had heard all the yelling to see what the problem was. "Jade, what's going on?"

Jean just smirked at Jade knowing how Hermione is her weakness and that she would use her as leverage. "Hermione dear, Jade has finally taken the opportunity to become a singer isn't that right Jade?" Said Jean smugly keeping her eyes on her firstborn.

"I.. um- well?" Jade quickly wiped her tears and then glanced between her mother and her sister, knowing her father no longer had a say in this conversation. She looked at Hermione, who had a proud grin on her face, Jade sighed in defeat and Jean smiled. "Yeah of- of course, I am".

"That's amazing Jade! What about the Wizarding world?" Hermione exclaimed hugging her sister tightly but she felt Jade shake a little, body tense. Jade hugged her sister tighter "I guess it wasn't for me."

"What are you talking about? You love magic and everything about it. What about Cha-"

"Enough Hermione go to your room" Jean interrupted.

Hermione huffed and gave Jade a look to say that they were going to talk about this later. She then walked back to her room, not believing her sister for a second.

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