The Reunion Pt 2

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"Right I'm sure you're sick of hearing our voices, so we are going to take a 30-minute water break and as promised you will get a sneak peek song from our next album!". Perrie exclaimed to the crowd, leading to a massive response cheer.

Jade felt exhausted from singing and dancing for about 1 hour, she was just happy that she could get to see her sister before going back on stage. She linked arms with Perrie before going backstage. "I'm going to put on some spray before seeing my sister, I can meet you guys back here in 5 minutes?" Jade asked the other girls who were like sisters to her. They nodded and Perrie kissed her on the cheek, and Jade laughed at her actions. The other girls went to greet other fans with VIP passes and Jesy and Leigh-ann smirked when they saw a blushing Ron that kept glancing at Perrie.

Hermione's pov

I rolled my eyes at Ron's behaviour, it's always been the good-looking older girls he was attracted to, why can't he look at me like that? Harry was just awkward as usual not used to amount of women in his presence. I kind of smiled at that because he was never confident in himself in general but I guess he never had a father figure to give him advice.

"OMG LITTLE MIX OVER HERE! IT'S ME, YOU'RE BIGGEST FAN!" Shouted a voice from the back of the group. Leigh-Anne and Perrie sighed while jesy smiled at her cousin.

"OI Presley how're things with your project??"Jesy asked while she hugged him. He rolled his eyes before taking loads of pictures of the 3/4 band members.

"It's going well, I can't do much since I'm 9 years old but I make through."

"Hey Leigh-Ann, where is Jade?" I asked in the hope I get to catch up on what famous life has been like since we talked. Leigh-Ann looked at me and grinned then pointed to Jade who was exiting the dressing rooms looking refreshed and was heading towards the group with a smile. I grinned at my sister and gave her a bear-like hug, which she accepted and relaxed as if she had the world on her shoulders. She let go of me and grinned at everyone else, "so how was the show so far did Ron faint when she waved at him?" Ron's skin turned the same colour as his hair while Jade winked down at me and I smiled at the action. Perrie scoffed and gently slapped Jade on the shoulder.

Third Person's pov

Jade looked at the other Weasley children and felt her breath hitch when she again saw Charlie Weasley but instead of being in the audience, he was right in front of her, locking his eyes with hers. "Jade, darling we have to be on stage in 10 minutes so can you stop eye fucking this handsome hunk a junk and come backstage so you can help me with my outfit," Jesy smirked at Charlie and looked him up and down, while the couple in question still stared at each other until both Fred and George dragged Charlie by his arms and the rest followed until it was just the four girls backstage.

Perrie waved her hand in front of Jade's face and she flinched at the motion and then blushed as she realized what had happened. Leigh-Ann smirked "is this the red-head lad we heard so much about when you went to that private school you kept going on about?" she wiggled her eyebrows at Jade whose face turned a shade darker and then nodded at the question. "I don't blame you hun he's very attractive and I didn't know you had a thing for redheads."

"His name is Charlie we've been friends since we were eleven and of course, we had a thing for each other, we kind of secretly dated until we left school and I never saw him since". Jade admitted quietly. She never told anyone about this before apart from Hermione who was there during each of her fights with their mother. The three other girls hugged Jade before they quickly freshened up in the dressing room and had a beverage to cool them down.

After the show

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERRIE!" the audience screamed while she blew her candles out. Jade gave her another hug before they said goodbye to celebrate another birthday. "is there a spoons near just for a meal and a couple of pints?" Jesy asked to the other girls who were getting changed into going-out clothes. Perrie's eyes lit up at that "there is one that's about a mile drive from here I think, it's been a while since I've been to this end of London though."

Jade smiled at the conversation and was about to comment until she felt a piece of parchment in her coat pocket. she made sure no one was looking her way before she read the letter.


I know I haven't had the time to talk with you tonight but maybe I could invite you to join me and the others at the quidditch world cup that is happening in 3 days' time. the ticket is with me if you would like.

I also would like to have a proper conversation since its been 4 years since we last saw each other and we both know I deserve an explanation on why you only left a letter and I actually cried because I thought I meant nothing to you. ill be spending a year at the burrow to catch up with everyone and I would love for you to show up the day before the match.

your best friend and hopefully still lover,


P.S. Bill misses you.

Hello my lovelies I hope part 2 was worth waiting for since I have had no motivation to do anything lately especially since I just found out on boxing day that I'm an Auntie.

Happy Reading


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