The Burrow

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That is the word that comes to mind when looking inside the burrow. The smell of vanilla and cinnamon from the kitchen felt like home to her. The magic movements of the knitting needles and the dishes moving on their own show that this is a wizard family and that she never wants to leave. Carefully dusting off the ash from the fireplace, Jade heard a chuckle from behind her of course, she knew who it was.

"Hey Charlie" Jade smiled before turning around to look into his sapphire eyes and blushed a little. He looked even better up close than he did a few days ago backstage. Jade practically pranced at him, which was an understatement in itself. He smelled exactly what she smelt in the amortentia potion; smoke, spearmint toothpaste and something like chocolate muffins, which made her heart swell and hugged him tighter.

He had grown a lot more muscle since they last hugged and when she looked at his facial features, he has a few scars from the dragons that he looks after.

Charlie's Pov

My heart was beating 30 miles per minute, I am still in love with this girl and I couldn't believe she is in my arms at this moment. I remember the smell I had in the amortentia potion; apple crumbles, gardenias and vanilla essence.

I know she had recently been in a relationship, but the way I've heard, Jade cheated on him with someone else. I know that wasn't the truth, but I'm not going to ruin this moment. I pull away from her and smile down at her and noticing the small changes over the years. Jade's hair was a shade lighter and straighter than her normal bushy hair. She was definitely more beautiful than before.

Third Person's Pov

"Ack-em". A loud dramatic cough came from behind them, and they both turned around at Bill Weasley, who was standing there with his arms crossed smirking with a shake of his head. Jade removed her hands from Charlie and ran to hug Bill. "Nice to see you again Jade" and hugged her back while smirking over at charlie who scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Hey Billy, long time no see". Bill laughed at the nickname "Mum is in the kitchen by the way, she wanted to make you something to eat since you travel a lot and you mentioned to her in a letter that your throat was starting to dry up and she made her famous lemon-ginger tea." Jade's eyes lit up with excitement and practically took both Charlie and Bill's hands and walked into the kitchen.

Molly was making breakfast in the kitchen when she heard three pairs of footsteps approaching behind her. Placing everything down, she felt arms engulf her in a tight embrace just as she turned around to see who arrived in the kitchen. "Oh my goodness Jade it is so wonderful to see you, my dear". Molly gently caressed her cheeks and then pulled her into another hug. Jade was and still is a daughter to her, whatever made her lose contact with the family in the first place was probably just a misunderstanding. "Go and take a seat at the table, your breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Bill could you do me a favour and wake your brothers for me?" Looking directly at her eldest son. Bill complied and winked at Charlie again before going upstairs.

Third person's Pov

Fred and George have been creating products for their future joke shop and were testing their latest one on poor Ron. "look at him all snug in his bed, looking so peaceful that nothing is about to disturb his slumber. we're about to ruin that aren't we Freddie?" George whispered with a grin to his twin brother. Holding what looked like a skin-changing dung bomb in his hand.

"Yes we are Georgie, throw it in 3, 2, 1". George threw the dung bomb just above Ron's head and watched as it exploded above his dead and then quickly shut the door and ran to their room. 5 seconds later they heard yells from their younger brother which they both sniggered at. "FRED, GEORGE, THIS IS THE LAST STRAW!" Fred and George both sniggered at this by the time their bedroom door opened with Ron standing there with blue skin, so angry that it looked like steam was coming out of his ears.

"Woah who cut the cheese in here?" A voice from behind Ron was heard, they turned to see Bill standing at the top of the stairs with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"Fred and George set off a dung bomb into my room while I was sleeping and turned my skin blue," Ron exclaimed and pointed at his face, which Bill tried not to laugh at. Bill looked past Ron to look at the twins who were nudging each other and trying not to laugh at this scene but stopped when they noticed Bill watching and smiled 'innocently'.

Bill sighed at shook his head "never mind that now mum has made breakfast for us all and we have a guest downstairs, so please be on your best behaviour and Fred do me a favour and wake up Ginny for me?" The three boys' heads perked up at the word guest hoping it wasn't their Aunt Muriel, they all shivered at the thought and watched Bill walk back downstairs.

Jade's Pov

I have no idea what to say to them since it's been 4 years since I have seen all of them. It wasn't my fault of course but since my mother never liked the fact that I'm what I am and I just hope she doesn't do the same thing to Hermione. Bill came back downstairs 10 minutes later.

"So, I owe you all an exclamation, especially you Charlie about what happened 4 years ago." Jade put down her cutlery after she was finished her breakfast and looked straight at Charlie in the eyes. He nodded his head in encouragement and gave her a small smile afterwards.

"After we went our separate ways and left the station, we arrived home and me mam wanted to have a chat with me about how my singing was going." Jade took a deep breath and looked between the three people at the table. "She said that she had signed me up for a singing contest in London which had a big cash prize for the winners, which of course my group won given the name Little Mix. She told me that I couldn't use my wand anymore and didn't want me involved in anything with this world or anything to do with you, Charlie." She quickly glanced at Charlie and then looked down at the table. "She confiscated my wand until now and made me send a goodbye letter to you." Tears were flowing down my face. "She wanted me to learn how to control my emotions so that my hair didn't change colour because I looked like a freak." I buried my face in my hands after I finished my story, Molly came around the table to give me a hug and rubbed soothing circles on my back. Both Charlie and Bill were both flabbergasted at the new information and felt angry and sick to even think about what Jade went through.

Charlie went to say something but went quiet when they all heard footsteps running down the stairs. Jade quickly wiped her face Molly went into the kitchen to dish out breakfast for her other children. The four children stopped in their tracks and stared at the new addition to the table. "JADE!!" Thankfully not noticing her red face from crying the four hugged her so hard she nearly fell out of the chair. Laughing at the action she happily hugged them back and got taken back by the sight of Ron's skin which still was the colour of dark blue. "Why does Ron look like a smurf?" Jade sniggered and then sighed when the pureblooded family looked at them with confusion at the word. "It's a mythical creature from a tv programme I used to watch as a kid, never mind." Molly arrived just in time to see that they still looked confused, "Children sit down for your breakfast, ah Arther dear just in time for breakfast and we have a guest this morning."

Jade shifted her gaze to the front door and there stood Arther Weasley after spending an hour in a garage of muggle artefacts. "My is that Jade Granger I see, hello my dear!" Arther came over to hug Jade and scruff the top of her head to make it look messy. "Tell me are there any new muggle technologies made in the muggle world?" Arther sat down next to her at the table with a serious yet excited face as he waited for her reply.

"Well there are self-driving cars now and there are these things called hoverboards, which are like scooters but without the handle and you put both of your feet on it and it just moves by itself based on your balance I guess, never used one myself of course." Jade finished talking and looked up at Mr Weasley, who was grinning in awe at the sound of what she was saying.

"That sounds extraordinary!" Arther lowered his voice, "Just don't tell Molly about that otherwise, she'll never let me get a hoverboard" Arther stopped talking at kissed his wife on the cheek after she put some breakfast down on the table in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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