Crowley X Reader

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Imagine::::: Finding out your Crowley's daughter

All of sudden the ground starts shaking and the walls are falling down. You black out for about 10 minutes and wake up to see two men standing in front of you. "I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam. Now look we don't really have time for the whole story but your dad is the king of hell, your dead, and we need you to get information." "What!" You say shocked. "Its ok we will put you back in heaven as soon as we're done." Sam says. "What do I have to do. I don't even remember my dad and why would I help you deceive him." "Because he is the one that killed you. He went crazy and shot you and your mother." "What, why are you telling me this." "We are really sorry we just need him to find our friend Castiel and we think that he will tell us where he is if we have you. We won't really hurt you, its just to scare him." You take a deep breathe and say ok. "Alright great, time to call daddy dearest." Dean says with a smirk. You see Dean cut his arm and lets his blood drip in the bowl. "Et ad congregandom,Eos coram me." "Hello boys." You hear from behind you. "Crowley, we're gonna give you one last chance to tell us where Cas is or we are bringing out the big guns." Dean says mockingly. "Oh please boys, what are you gonna do to me that i dont do to myself just for kicks." "Alright fine. (y,n)." He yells to you. You come out to see your dad standing in a devils trap. "Awe boys, really, you didnt have to get me a pet." "Ya well sorry Crowley this is (y,n).... your daughter. You see Crowley's face turn pale and his eyes widen. "What. I don't have kids. I'm the king of hell for god sake!" "Sorry to break it to you Crowly but when you were human you were normal, a father, a husband, and the big family man." "Go ahead, kill her. I could care less." "Oh were not gonna kill her." Sam says. "No, No we are going to do much worse." Dean says sliding in a table with torturing tools. "You see Crowley, we told (y,n) here what you did to her and her mother." Sam says handing you the demon knife. "Listen "Crowley" my mother and I didn't deserve to die. Now you're going to tell these two men where there friend is and i won't hurt you, too bad." You say angrily. After 8 hours of torture Crowley finally gave up Castiels location. You tell the boys then go back where Crowley is. "This is for my mom." You take the demon blade and stick it straight through your fathers chest.

Author's Note
Sorry I took so long to post this one. I got busy and kept putting it aside. Anyways sorry about the wait and I hoped you liked it.

Supernatural imagines...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora