Charlie X Reader

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Imagine::::: Hanging out with Charlie

"Hey Charlie. Where have you been?" You ask Charlie as she walks in with Sam and Dean. "I was working a case and then these two guys show up." She says gestering to the boys. "Oh Charlie we missed you too." Dean says mockingly. "Were you ok (y/n). Was Cas nice to you? Did you find everything ok?" "Dean! Stop yes i was fine." "Im sorry (y/n), i just worry about you." "Ya i know im sorry too." You say and follow up with a hug. As soon as Sam and Dean leave Charlie confornts you. "So when did this start?" "What do you mean?" You say confused. "Oh please dont act like you dont know." "I dont know. What are you talking about?" "The whole way back here Dean was saying how you were an amazing hunter and how you were so pretty. And then when we got here he was asking you all those questions." You could feel your cheeks get red. "Well, Dean and i do have feelings for each other but we cant be anything becuase the enemy will always use it against us. But forget about us. I got the new Mario cart. Are you ready to lose?" "Ok but I still think yall should be together. And who says I'm losing? I'm the champion at Mario cart. "Alright so what map?" "Umm.... oh how about rainbow road?" You choose the map and start playing. Yall play for about 3 hours. "Hey (y/n) I'm hungry wanna go get some food." "Ya sure let me just get my coat." Yall both leave and go to the diner. After yall were done Charlie asked you if you wanted to go LARP with her and her friends. "Ok so (y/n), this is your first time LARPing right?" "Ya so I'm gonna need some help." After LARPing y'all went back to the bunker. "Thanks Charlie I had fun!" "Me too. Keep in touch ok." " You know it. Bye"You say waving as she drives off.

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