J2 X Reader

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Imagine::::: J2 taking you out of school and spending the day with them

Your bored out of your mind in algebra class and you just want to go home already. You know it's barley 4th period though so you push yourself through it. "I have no idea how to do this." You say turned to your friend behind you. "The parabola has a minimum because A is greater than zero." Mrs.Macias says making eye contact with you. You smile and nod your head like you understand but really you didn't get any of that. As you were writing down your notes, you hear the announcements come on. You look up and around at your classmates because it's very weird that they are going on during the middle of the day. "This is Dean and Sam Winchester......Just kidding just kidding." You hear that and you think this has to be some kind of joke. You started to freak out a little bit. "This is Jensen and Jared. Can (y/n) please come to the main office immediately." You have no idea what's going on. You don't know if your still asleep and didn't even come to school this morning or maybe you are daydreaming this is happening because algebra started getting boring. You looked up at the teacher and she said to go. So you walked out and started to speed walk to the office. You just wanted to know what was going on. "Why would Jensen and Jared be here? If this is a prank who is doing this? What's going to happen if they are there?" Your asking yourself all these questions as your walking. When you get closer you can see them. There was Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. You had no idea what to do.You were in such a state of shock. You push open the two glass doors and walk forward. "Hi, you must be (y/n)." Jensen says to you with that adorable grin of his. And with that your dream day has begun.

HEY GUYS!!!!! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm going to try and be better with that. Tell me how I did on this one guys because I have no idea what I'm doing.

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