The Beginning of October

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Finding Eddie inside the school building turned out to be much more of a struggle than Chrissy had imagined. Since she did not know what classes, he was in, or if he did any kind of after school activity, she kept looking for him all over the school grounds. Finally, she found him outside the school building, talking to Patrick from the basketball team. As they saw Chrissy approaching, Patrick quickly left in the opposite direction.

"How can I help you today, princess?".

Chrissy rolled her eyes and decided to ignore her nickname: „Our project. I am not doing this on my own!".

"Fine, come on.", he started walking towards the forest, behind the school.

"Where are you going?", she caught up with him.

"You get to say what we do; I get to say where. Now follow me, princess!".

Should she follow Eddie into the woods? Chrissy looked back at the school and then to Eddie. She decided to do it and quickly hurried after Eddie.

Chrissy tried not to stumble over fallen breaches or roots, which were hidden by fallen leaves. Her white shoes were not meant for nature walks. Finally, they reached a small clearing with a picnic table. Eddie already sat there and pointed for Chrissy to sit. As she sat down, Chrissy realized how quiet it was and beautiful. The leaves had already started to turn color. Gold, red and yellow painted the forest. "How did you know this place?", she asked.

Eddie shrugged:" It's a secret given from generation to generation by Hawkin's outcasts.".

"Won't you get in trouble because you brought me here?".

Eddie laughed:" Not if you keep quiet about it.". He leaned forward, closer to Chrissy, with a strict eye and whispered:" Otherwise, I will have to kill you.". Then he winked which made Chrissy giggle.

" I will remember that.".

Eddie stood up and crossed his arms before his chest: „You really don't remember do you?".

Chrissy immediately felt bad:" What exactly? I am sorry.".

Eddie put his hand over his chest, where his heart was and threw himself backwards onto the ground. Chrissy shrieked in surprise, but Eddie got up immediately, leaves in his hair: „Don't break my hurt, Chrissy Cunningham! Middle school talent show."

Chrissy made a face:" I am sorry, that doesn't ring a bell.". He continued:" You were doing this cheer thing with pom poms and stuff. It was cool actually.".

Chrissy tried to think of that evening. Her mum had made her do it, the whole time Chrissy's heart had been beating like crazy. Every year there was a talent show and every year her mum made her a new costume to perform in. She was glad when her mum agreed she was too old to join the Hawkins Highschool talent show. But in middle school? Suddenly she remembered a young boy, with dark brown hair who played the guitar. That thing was almost as big as the boy, but he did a good job. His band had a name! What was it?

"Corroded Coffin! I remember, Corroded coffin was the name of your band!", she cried out and Eddie applauded. "Yes! Exactly!".

"Why don't I remember more of you?", Chrissy wondered. They had attended the same middle school and even high school.

"Well, you were in all the classes for the gifted students and I...not so much. Plus, you are loved and adored while I am just an outcast. Besides I am just a weird guy playing the guitar.", he sat back down.

"You still do?", she smiled.

"You should come see us. We play in the hideout on Tuesdays. It's pretty cool. We actually got a crowd of about five drunks."

"Sounds perfect! But first we have to go through this.", Chrissy pulled out her history book from her bag. Eddie sighted dramatically and his head fell onto the table: „Looks like fun is over.".

"Come on, if we do it together, we will be done soon.", she put the book in the middle of the table. Eddie sat back up and glanced at Chrissy: „Were you serious about seeing my band?".

"Yes, of course.".

Eddie grinned: „I'll take you at your word, Chrissy.".

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