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If no one knew about Eddie and Chrissy, they did now. She had no other clothes, so Chrissy wore Eddies Hellfire Club shirt for the whole day. But she didn't care! Thankfully Chrissy didn't have any classes today with Eddie, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to concentrate.

The bell rang for lunchbreak. Chrissy took her books and walked to the cafeteria. She could see Eddie as she entered. He waved to her, and Chrissy was about to walk towards him when an announcement sounded through the school.

"Chrissy Cunningham please come to the principal's office!".

Eddie looked at her questioningly, but Chrissy could only shrug her shoulders.

Both her parents were waiting in the principal's office when she entered.

Her dad stood up and embraced her: „Are you ok?". Her turned to the principal and thanked him, then he left.

"What are you doing here?", Chrissy asked, even though she already knew.

"We are here to take you home.", her mother said.

"Well, will you accept me being with Eddie?", she wanted her parents to understand. Never before had they been on such bad terms!

Her mother rested her head in her hands and sighed:" Listen Chrissy. You might think this love will last forever but it won't! It's just...attraction.".

The same argument all over again! "You haven't even met Eddie!".

It was her dad who spoke up: „You are right, Chrissy. We haven't even met him. Will you come home if we agree to meet Eddie? Maybe invite him over for dinner.". Chrissy was infinitely grateful to her father for that.

"I have met him before.", her mother crossed her arm sin front of her chest. "Only for a few minutes!".

"Then its settled! We will see you at home.", her father gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Lunchbreak wasn't over and Chrissy returned to the cafeteria. She walked straight to Eddie: „You never guess who was waiting for me in the office. My parents.".

"Well, I knew they wouldn't let us live in sin forever.", Eddie pulled the chair next to him back, for her to sit down. Mike uttered a confused:" You two live together?". But Eddie glanced at him, and he went quiet.

"They were actually really great, and they want to meet you.".

Eddies looked surprised:" I better iron my good jeans jacket then.". For this she punched his arm.

He painfully twisted his face: „Violence in the early stages of our relationship?".

"You never called it a relationship before."

He pulled her chair closer and put an arm around her: „Well Chrissy, you are wearing my shirt because you spent the night with me. Otherwise, we are VERY good friends.".

She blushed:" I don't want to be your friend.". Chrissy quickly added: „Because I want to be your girlfriend.".

Eddie laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek: „I hoped you would say that."

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