Chapter Five

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Billy drove down the street, arm resting out the open window, tapping the side of the car to the beat of the music. He sighed contently, taking occasional glances over at Eddie to make sure he was alright. God, he was so beautiful.

Eddie caught Billy looking at him and bit his lip to prevent the grin from spreading. "What?"

"Nothing," Billy replied, turning his eyes back to the road, "Just wanted to know if you're okay with going to see Max now."

"Of course!" Eddie said, moving up to sit with one leg underneath him, "Did you want me to go with you? I can stay in the car if you want. I know you probably want to be alone with her." It felt like a private moment and he didn't want to intrude.

Billy shook his head, turning into the parking lot. "No, I think it'd be best if I went alone." He cut the engine and turned to Eddie. "I need you to stay here; I parked in the empty side of the lot so no one will see you. I'll be ten minutes." He reached over and gently caressed Eddie's face, giving him a faint smile, before getting out of the car and walking into the entrance.

The hospital was less busy than before, but Billy was still greeted by the same doctor. "Sir, you're back? Is it your stitches?"

"No, ma'am. I just learned that my little sister was admitted here. I don't know what happened to her, her friends wouldn't tell me," Billy answered, looking at the doctor with pleading eyes, "Please, I need to make sure she's okay."

The doctor went to the front desk. "What's your sister's name? Julie, look up this name." She looked at the secretary, then at Billy.

"Her name is Maxine Mayfield."

Within a minute, the secretary, Julie, found the file. She handed it to the doctor, who read it and frowned. "Sir, I'll take you to see her, but I must..." she paused, "prepare you for what you're about to see. Apparently she was one of the survivors of the earthquake, but something fell on top of her, pinning her to the ground. I'm not sure what; the people who brought her in weren't specific. She's not in the best shape, but I promise you, she's in good hands, sir." She led Billy down the hall and to a room on the corner. "You can go in now." She gave him a sympathetic smile, before going back down the hall.

Billy walked into the room, eyes going to the bed, and his heart broke. There was his little sister, Max, laying there. A cast on all four limbs, her neck in a brace. "Maxine..." he whispered, going to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. "Max, I'm here, it's Billy. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I got trapped in the Upside Down for a year, that day I sacrificed myself to save you and your friends. I got trapped there, I'm not sure how, but I did. I did a lot of reflecting down there and I realize, too late now, that I was a shitty brother to you. I should have been nicer to you, I should have been there for you. I just...I was an asshole. I should have protected you instead of terrorizing you, and your boyfriend. I pushed away all the relationships I had because I was afraid. I didn't want to be hurt. Neil fucked me up, Max." He let out a broken laugh, reaching out to gently brush Max's copper hair out of her face. "I'm so sorry this is coming too late, Max. But don't worry. I'm leaving the state right after this. Believe it or not, I saved someone's life in the Upside Down, and I fell in love with the fucker! Can you believe that? His name is Eddie. He was left by your toothless friend, Dustin? Left him to die down there. I found him, he showed me the gate. So I guess we saved each other's lives. But he's a wanted man, so we're leaving the state so him and I can be safe, starting new lives. I can't exactly go back to my life, I'm supposed to be dead, so this is good for me, too." He sighed softly, reaching down and gently grasped Max's hand, holding it. "I wanted to come here to make sure you were okay, and to tell you that I love you. Again, realized that too late, but it's true. You were a great little sister, Max. I love you. I guess this is goodbye."

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