Chapter Ten

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(I know this one is a little filler, but I promise, more action next chapter. I'm writing it right now. I just didn't want this one to be too long.)

The next few days went as usual, the boys worked their shifts, Billy growing increasingly jealous of Spencer, but not confronting him because he knew his job would be on the line. Eddie, not realizing Spencer is flirting with him, but for Billy's sake, just steers clear of him to not make the man jealous.

They were downstairs, getting their weekly schedule on the wall, when Cherry emerged from her office.

"Eddie, darling," Cherry said, "Remember how I said if you'd like, we can have you perform your music every week?"

Eddie nodded, "Yeah, I remember."

"We can do it every Thursday, if you're interested. I was looking at the performance list, and that would be a good day to have you do it," Cherry explained, "It's a little busier that day so you'll have a good crowd."

Billy grinned at his boyfriend, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "That would be great, baby," he said, "You're pretty talented. I'm sure you can gain more fans."

"Fans?" Eddie laughed, "My fans in our old town were a crowd of about five drunks. Besides," he turned to Cherry, "I was in a metal band. I really don't think this would be the crowd for that. I can do covers, though. I taught myself a lot of rock and pop music when I was bored one night." He shrugged.

Cherry smiled. "That's good! You can do pop and rock covers. Can you sing?"

"I'm not bad. I was lead vocals and guitar in my band," Eddie replied, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. It was true, his voice wasn't bad, but he wouldn't really call himself a great singer. Though, if the crowd had a few drinks in them, he's sure they wouldn't mind his voice.

"That's a lie," Billy said, glancing at Cherry, "I've heard him sing before, in the car, to the radio when we're making dinner. He's got a great voice." He looked Eddie in the eye, smiling. "You're a great singer, baby. You just need to be confident about it."

Eddie bit his lip to hide his smile. "You really think so?"

"I do," Billy replied, his tone serious, "I really think people will love you."

Falling quiet, Eddie took a minute to think about it. It's been a while since his last gig. He wanted nothing more than to get back on stage and perform, but he felt a little rusty. The last thing he wanted was to be booed off stage. It scared him a little. He's not even performing yet and the nerves are already taking over his body. He shivered, resulting in Billy pulling him closer. He caught Spencer in the corner of his eye, looking dejected at his close him and Billy are. He didn't want to disappoint Billy, or Cherry, so he just nodded. "Yeah," he finally responded, "I'll get the setlist to you later."

Cherry let out a little squeal in delight. "Perfect! Eddie, I would like you to perform every Thursday. You can make a setlist, give it to me to approve, and then you'll go on at ten. You don't have to work those days, so you can practice, get ready for it. But, if you're not comfortable singing, we can get one of the girls to sing for you. Oh! Or you can do duets!"

Eddie nodded, glancing over at his smiling boyfriend, then to Cherry. "I'm a little rusty, but I think performing with someone at least for a few songs will help me not be nervous anymore. Who will I be singing with?"

"Oh, you haven't met the girls yet, have you?" Cherry asked, looking around the bar, before waving at a few people. "Girls! Come over here for a minute!"

There were three girls that walked up to them, one both Eddie and Billy recognized as Miss Angel.

"Girls, you haven't met the new recruits! This handsome young lad is Billy," Cherry introduced, motioning to Billy.

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