Chapter Nine

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The next day started off less eventful than the others. The men woke up entangled up in the other's limbs, cuddling each other. They were both happy and relieved to finally be waking up in a bed, not the back of Billy's car. They slept soundly, having the best night's sleep in years.

Hours passed, after breakfast, then lunch. They were both dressed and ready for their first shifts of their new job. Billy, in his half buttoned up red shirt and jeans that showed off his ass, and Eddie in a white tee shirt and his nice blue jeans. He had tamed his wild hair, tying it back in a low ponytail, over his shoulder, in an effort to look professional. Nerves were starting to get to them both, a nervous energy filling the apartment. Finally, it was time for them to go downstairs.

"You ready, princess?" Billy asked, dabbing his cologne onto his wrists as he looked over at Eddie.

Eddie sucked in a breath, eying himself in the mirror, deciding he looked good enough. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Billy pulled Eddie close, hands placed on the man's hips. "You look great. Hey, things are going to be fine. We're going to do great. Cherry believes we're good for the job; she wouldn't have offered them to us if she didn't."

Eddie just nodded. "I know. I just...I don't want this to go south for us. Things have been going so well so far, and I don't want anything bad to happen. I mean, I've fought off an army of demobats. I've been the greatest distraction the Upside Down has ever seen, and yet the idea of losing my job before it even began is scaring me. It..." he paused, pulling his gaze from Billy's in favor of the floor, "It's just going so well. I'm not used to it. I'm afraid something is just going to pull the rug out from under me and everything falls apart."

Billy shook his head. "Hey, look at me." He gently moved Eddie's chin up, making eye contact with him. "I know how you feel. I'm feeling it too. Believe me, I'm nervous too, but I promise, even if it goes south, we still have each other. We can get other jobs, we can go somewhere else. As long as I have you by my side, it'll be okay. Alright, darling?"

"You know just what to say to make me feel better," Eddie smiled, leaning in to kiss Billy gently. "I'm glad we met."

Billy cupped Eddie's cheek, kissing him again. "Me too." He pulled away to look into Eddie's eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too," Eddie replied, pecking Billy once more, before pulling away. "Let's go."

They walked downstairs then, out the back door and emerging into the bar. There were a few customers, some at the bar, others sitting at tables, spread out throughout the building. It wasn't too busy, but there were still people in here.

"Boys!" Cherry walked up to the boys, smiling. "How are my handsome men today? You excited to get started?" She held out her hand, in them were two nametags. "I put Billy and Eddie on them since that's how you two introduced yourselves to me. If you two use your full names, or shorter, I can remove the letters."

Billy shook his head, taking his nametag and sticking it through his shirt. "Billy is perfect, ma'am. Thank you."

Eddie took his as well, giving a grateful smile. "Yeah, thank you." He put his nametag on as well.

"Oh, you don't have to call me ma'am. Makes me feel old," Cherry replied, "Please call me Cherry!" She placed a hand on Billy's shoulder, turning him towards the bar. "Jules over there is going to show you how to make our most popular drinks, since it's not busy. But if you know how to pour coke and vodka into a cup, you're already golden. Really, all you have to do is be friendly to the customers. I guarantee, if you fuck up their drink, which you won't, they won't care. Just flash them a smile, small talk is encouraged. Just make the sale. Make them smile. Our regulars are the ones you gotta watch out for, they get feisty." She gave Billy a wink, before shaking her head. "I'm kidding, of course. Our customers are very nice. But, you do get the occasional customer who likes to ask for extra lime or triple shots of vodka in their drinks. They are the ones who can tell if you skimp out. Jules deals with them. He'll warn you which ones."

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