Let's chat

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Hello everyone!

Long time no see. Just thought to come here and chat.

So basically, I came across a very ... A very ... You know ... Delusional OS. I shan't reveal the book or the author, but would definitely want to discuss a few things with you all as I'm free.

So ... Everyone is disappointed. They should be. But I even saw some people spreading unnecessary hatred about characters all around. Some are bashing Ranbir, while some are bashing Prachi. I thought to voice my opinions.

I gave it a thought. And after hours of thinking about it, I realised that neither of them is right, but none is wrong as well. Ranbir was a confusing character until he got to know the truth. He kept on changing his moods. Sometimes, he tried to use the jealousy technique, while sometimes he showered immense love on her. But when he realised the truth, he knew what he wanted and tried to earn it. Tho his method failed, but he tried. And is still trying. He has hurt his father. That's a very big thing. Choosing between two loved ones is always very difficult. Due to the misunderstanding that has been created, I can understand that he's not able to prove that he's a good husband, but he's definitely proving that he's a good father. So we mustn't bash him right?

And this doesn't mean that Prachi should be bashed either. Dude she has been mentally tortured not just once, but daily. Sometimes voluntarily sometimes involuntarily. Plus, she's pregnant. Mood swings and getting emotional is normal. She's in a misunderstanding that ... Well whatever. So how can people expect her to forgive and forget? Doesn't she have the right to be angry with her husband for his so-called treachery? Tho it's false, but it's true for her right? The day she realises that it was all fake, she herself will tell him about the child. She had tried to tell him several times, but situations compelled her to hide it again and again. And some heartless people accuse her of not being a good mother. What a vicious accusation I say! She has been bearing intolerable pains for months and that too alone. And yet people accuse of not being a good mother? How shameful! To accuse a mother, is the biggest crime. And it's a mother's nature to love every child for heaven's sake. That is why she cares for her nasty sissy's non-existent child. Accusing her so wrongly is not acceptable.

Ranbir wants to prove to Prachi that he's a good husband to her right? Then we cannot deny the fact that he should raise his voice against his mother's torture. But he isn't doing that. Also, Prachi should keep her sibling love under control, this is also true. But both have their own problems. Ranbir cannot raise his voice against his mother, while Prachi is pregnant and so it's obvious to have emotional swings. Try to analyse friends. None is wrong, none is right. They're caught in a big dilemma.

Also one more important thing. Voicing opinions isn't wrong, but using words that might hurt people is wrong. Ofc many don't understand this. Just said it to satisfy myself.

I have loved, I still love and I will always keep loving PRANBIR, not just one of them. Although I get disappointed with either of them sometimes, I realise later on that I cannot be angry at them for long, for I love them. I don't know about others.

I just pray that Pranbir reunite soon and my fellow Pranbirians wash out all the hatred outta their minds soonest!

Vaidehi. ❤️

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