You ready Moonshine?

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Ace began to realise that perhaps ordering this many milkshakes was a bad idea as the children soon began to get incredibly hyper. Aiden was trying to climb over the back of the booths as Ava kept climbing all over Ace.

"Help?" Ace pleaded with Luna as Ava was trying to jab at the hickey on his neck again.

"Park?" Luna quickly offered. "Who wants to go to the park?"

Aiden and Ava instantly began cheering as Ace quickly jumped up. Ava stood on the booth bench and leapt at him, only just giving him a chance to catch her as she dangled in his arms.

"Great let's go." Luna quickly blurted out as she got up.

Yet just as the waitress came over and Luna went to hand over some money, she shook her head.

"It's already been paid for." She mumbled as she nodded over at Theodore.

Ace and Luna both looked over at him before they exchanged a glance with each other. Their plan was clearly working.

"Park steed!" Ava shouted as she continued to cling onto Ace.

"Steed?" He asked her blankly as she nodded.

"Yeah like a princess's steed." She replied calmly.

"It's not funny." Ace grumbled as he walked past Luna, who was clearly trying to hide her laughter as she gently tugged Aiden out the diner.


"So how long are we going to keep this up?" Luna finally asked as she sat next to Ace on the bench.

Ace shrugged as he lit a cigarette watching the two kids burn off all the energy they gained on the climbing frame ahead.

"I mean it's clear they both want us back right?" Luna asked quietly. "Teddy told me they were only fake dating to get back at us."

Ace nodded as he blew the smoke out. "Betsy told me the same."

"When do you want to go back to her then?"

Ace turned to her slowly. "You ready to go back to him?"

Luna shrugged slightly. "Are you ready?"

Ace shrugged as he looked away, back at the children. Luna looked back at her siblings playing an imaginary game.

"You really think he's learnt his lesson?"

She turned to see him still focusing on the kids.

"I don't know." She mumbled. "Have you learnt yours?"

Ace shrugged. "How long will it take for these to burn themselves out?"

Luna shrugged again. She wasn't stupid, she knew he was changing the subject.

"Can we go home and play now?"

They both looked up at Ava, as she stood at the top of the climbing frame. Luna nodded as she stood up and walked straight over to her, offering her arms up.

Ace remained seated as he finished his cigarette, watching as Luna got both the kids to come down her and brushed the dirt off them.

Quickly flicking it away he walked over to join them as they began the slow walk back to his car. Feeling a hand in his he looked down and saw Ava grinning up at him as she happily skipped between her sister and Ace, a hand in both of theirs.

Luna slowly looked up at Ace as he slowly looked up at her, causing her to quickly look away at Aiden, who as holding her other hand.


"You don't have to do this you know." Luna mumbled as she held the sleeping Aiden in her arms.

Ace shrugged as he walked with her to the front door, the sleeping Ava in his arms. Luna managed to get the door open as she led the way up to the twins shared room. Both were placed gently down on their beds as Luna led the way out and gently shut the door behind them.

"I take it you gotta stay in tonight?" Ace mumbled somewhat nervously.

Luna nodded slowly. "Yeah, mum and dad want me to as I was out last night."

Ace nodded slowly. "Well then I'll pick you up tomorrow or something." He mumbled as they both went downstairs and slowly made their way over to the front door.

Luna nodded again as she opened it and Ace stepped outside.

"Yeah we'll do something tomorrow." She mumbled as he faced her.

"You could come to the bar with me and the guys or something? Betsy's always there."

Luna nodded once more. "Yeah sure sounds like a plan."

Ace gave her one final nod. "I'll pick you up at like 11 tomorrow then Moonshine."

Luna gave him a weak smile. "We'll get your girl back Merrill."

He returned the weak smile as he turned and walked back out to his car. Luna gently shut the door as she felt herself lean against it, her head flopped against the wood as she sighed slightly.


"You ready Moonshine?"

Luna gave him a smile and nod as she climbed in the car beside him.

"Give me tips to get the guys on my side." She said with a smile.

Ace laughed slightly. Betsy had always hated the other cobras and made her opinion on not wanting to get to know them clear, but Luna seemed more than up for having a friendship with them to help him out.

"They're dickheads." He said with a laugh as he began driving them to the bar. "But they're my dickheads. Just be yourself and they'll love you, probably a bit too much."

Luna laughed and nodded as she leant back comfortably as they drove along.


"Guys you remember-"

"The most beautiful girl in the-"

"My girlfriend." Ace replied firmly, interrupting Eyeball's comment as he stood still from his approach to Luna.

"Right, exactly what I was going to say. You two are a thing." Eyeball mumbled.

"Hey it's the beer drinker."

Luna turned and saw Connie standing there, a glass of water in her hand. She nodded and smiled.

"Yeah guess I'm not really a big water girl." She laughed out, feeling Ace's arm drop from her waist as he walked over to the rest of the guys.

"Makes sense you're with Merrill then." Connie laughed out.

Luna let out a fake laugh and nodded. "Yeah exactly."

"Billy said you two met when you both split up with your ex's?" Connie asked as she cautiously came closer, none of Ace's girls ever liked her but she could sense something different about this one.

Luna nodded. "Betsy broke up with him as I broke up with my ex and I guess we just kinda clicked." She gave her a smile.

"Well I think it's sweet, even if he is an arsehole, he still deserves love." Connie gave her a smile in return.

Luna nodded slowly as she looked over at Ace, but he quickly looked away.

Connie laughed as she moved to stand beside Luna. "You can tell you two are in the honeymoon phase."

Luna turned and faced her confused.

"Neither of you can take your eyes off each other." Connie laughed out as she took a drink of her water.

Luna didn't reply as she looked back towards Ace as he quickly turned back to Vince and Jack.

Let's Fake It Moonshine - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now