You're welcome

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"I swear I didn't fucking kiss the girl." Ace grumbled as the cold water splashed down on him hard from the shower.

"I know you didn't." Eyeball mumbled as he sat opposite him.

"I really fucking didn't." Ace grumbled again.

"Believe me I know." Eyeball spoke again.

"She fucking started it."

"And you stopped it, I know." Eyeball mumbled as he heard the front door go downstairs.

Giving Ace one more sorry look he got up and left.

He first saw Charlie and the bright red hand mark on his face as he winced slightly.

"The girls send Ace their regards." Charlie grumbled.

Eyeball groaned. "He didn't fucking kiss her, did you tell them that?!" He snapped.

Charlie nodded slowly. "That was when Jayme gave me that." He pointed up to his red cheek.

"Did you tell them Lola was with also with Betsy?"

Charlie nodded.

"And?" Eyeball rolled his hands around, waiting for an answer.

"That was when Jack got that." He moved and pointed to Jack's cheek, also bright red.

"One, Jayme has one hell of a smack and Two, they said Ace needs to own up to his own mistakes."

Eyeball groaned.

"It wasn't even-" he stopped himself.

"He's upstairs just go sort him out, I gotta go out." He mumbled as he grabbed Ace's car keys and left quickly.


He soon jumped out the car as he walked up to Betsy's house.

After a few knocks she finally opened the door and glared at him.

"The fuck do you want Eyeball?"

"I want Lola." He snapped back as he noticed Betsy's lip was cut and she had what looked like claw marks on her cheek.

"That bitch ain't here."

"Where is she then?"

Betsy shrugged. "Probably doing what all you arseholes do and gone to the bar now fuck off."

Eyeball glared at her. "You know one day you're gonna get the biggest smack of your life."

Betsy scoffed and laughed. "None of you would dare hit a girl."

Eyeball shook his head. "I didn't say it would be one of us."

And with that he quickly took his leave, not wanting to be near her any longer.


"Fucking bitch better be here." He grumbled to himself as he stormed into the bar.

True to Betsy's belief, Lola was sat there at one of the tables as a guy stood by her trying to talk to her.

Eyeball sighed as he walked straight over, the guy instantly saw him approach as he backed down without hesitation.

Lola turned to him blankly.

"You're coming with me." Eyeball snapped down at her, now noticing the cuts to her face and just how messed up her hair was.

"Just leave me alone Eyeball." She grumbled back as she leant back in the chair and looked away.

Eyeball shook his head as he reached out and grabbed her wrist, yanking her up to face him.

"I could have said the same about Ace and Luna but you didn't leave them alone so I'm not going anywhere." He snapped down at her.

"Look Betsy did it for some money from some guy! Okay she told me Ace was single and I just had to kiss him!" Lola struggled against his firm grip.

"Some guy? What guy?" Eyeball questioned as he refused to let go.

Lola shrugged. "I don't know, some guy called Theodore who used to date Luna."

It clicked for Eyeball. Lola had been essentially paid off by Betsy, who had been paid off by Theodore.

"Believe it or not I'm not actually interested in Ace..." Lola mumbled as she looked over Eyeball.

"I don't care who you're interested in, you're coming with me to fix this." He snapped out as he began to pull her out the bar.

"Or a fight with Betsy will be the least of your worries." He mumbled as they both got in Ace's car.

"How did you know I had a fight with her?" Lola asked quietly as she buckled her seatbelt.

"I know the remains of a girl fight when I see one." Eyeball mumbled as he started driving away. "Also, stay away from Jayme."

"Why Jayme?"

"Just a heads up." Eyeball mumbled as he drove along.


His foot slammed on the break as he saw Lexi, Connie and Jayme walking along.

Quickly he turned the car off as he jumped out and got their attention.

Lola followed him out the car as she caught the glares from the other girls.

"Hang on! Hang on! Hang on!" Eyeball tried to say as he raised his hands, stopping the girls from leaping.

"She has to explain what happened."

The three girls only glared at him as Lola somewhat pushed past him.

"Betsy told me he was single and all I had to do was kiss him! Believe me I really didn't want to but when she has a hold over you then you have no choice but to do as she says!" Lola tried to explain.

"If anything there was only one cobra I ever wanted..." she mumbled as she briefly turned to look at Eyeball behind her before back at the girls.

"I swear it's the truth!" She continued to plead. "She was being paid to do it by some guy called Theodore that dated Luna."

The three girls exchanged a somewhat concerned glance.

"Where is Luna anyway?" Eyeball asked as he looked around, stepping closer to them.

"About that..." Lexi mumbled as she looked down.

"Shit." Eyeball mumbled as he realised.

"We tried to stop her but she wasn't listening to us!" Connie exclaimed.

"Fuck me." Eyeball mumbled as he turned and walked back over to the car before turning to all the girls.

"Well get in the fucking car then!" He snapped at them all.

Lexi, Connie and Jayme slowly walked over to Lola.

"You actually like that?" Jayme scoffed out.

Lola shrugged slightly as the four girls walked over to the car slowly.


"This doesn't mean anything you know?" Luna asked Theodore as he drove her along.

"Course not. Just happy I could give you a lift home." He gave her a small smile.

Luna nodded slowly. "Thank you anyway." She mumbled as she looked down at her fingers on her lap.

"You're welcome."


"Did you want to come in?" Luna asked him quietly as she turned up to him.

"Ace ain't gonna care?" Theodore asked as he tried to hide the smile.

Luna shook her head. "Ace doesn't get a say anymore."

Theodore finally smiled and nodded at her. "I'd love to."

Luna gave him a weak one back as the pair got out the car and walked up to her house.

"Mum and dad are still out at work so it's just Fiona and the twins." Luna mumbled as Theodore nodded slowly, looking up and down the empty street.

Let's Fake It Moonshine - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now