5. Justitia part 2: Where it all begins

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Today we are heroes
Hear adventure call
There are whole new worlds to see, I keep running
where it all begins - summer kennedey 

The sun was shining on the still water of the lake. The only inhabitants of the lake were the tiny insects fluttering about. No one else was nearby, even Mykolas stood far away. The grass moved in the wind.

Arinya closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the warm feeling on her face. She was supposed to be meditating and harnessing her skills of divination. She possessed two gifts: the gift of divination and the gift of seeing and calling spirits. No one knows about her second gift. Maybe her mother, but Arinya had found it hard to determine what her mother knew.

She pulled on her magic, and it echoed through the world, calling the spirits to her. And now she needed to wait. Maybe she could relax in the sun for a bit. She was wearing a tunic under her praying dress and had smuggled a bag inside the island. She won't be returning home this evening.

The first ghost that appeared had platinum blond hair and lavender eyes. A black symbol of divination decorated the space between her eyes. She had a pair of ram's horns that curled alongside her head. Her long, elegant fingers were woven under her chin as she sat before the princes. She was examining her with a happy and playful expression.

"Ani, Ani, listen." The spirit was talking enthusiastically to the princes. Her short pink dress showed her legs, and the fabric allowed the shine of her burning heart to pass. She was Arinya's favourite spirit. She was the first spirit Arinya ever talked to and immediately became her friend. Her ears became trembling from curiosity.

"I'm grateful you came, Remiel." The spirits started pouting when she heard the formal name.

"Ani, how many times do I need to tell you to call me Remy?" She came closer and laid a hand on Arinya's shoulder.

"But never mind that." The spirit's eyes started glowing with joy and it resembled the shiny lake. "I saw a handsome man in your future." Her voice was soaked with enthusiasm. Arinya sighed and leaned on her arms while she stretched her legs.

"You probably saw Mykolas." Remy looked annoyed at the princes. She started shaking her head with a murdering speed. It surprised Arinya that her head didn't fall clean off her shoulders at that rate. Remy let her gaze wander in the direction Mykolas was waiting.

"I know how he looks. It wasn't him." Remy stood back up and danced to her music. Slow and romantic. "He was dark and mysterious. Mykolas is like a shining orb of grumpiness." Arinya rolled her eyes. Mykolas was indeed always grumpy when Remiel was near, but only because she liked to steal his stuff or pull pranks on him.

"You like the dark, mysterious prince?" She teased the spirit that started blushing in return.

"I only wished that I could contact this hulk." She sighed dreamily and gazed into the distance. "But you will contact him and need him. He will give you your salvation." Remiel's voice had changed and sounded otherworldly, echoing through time and space.

"Remy, you are breaking the rule." A whisper of a voice joined them. Arinya recognised the voice and wasn't afraid of the calming presence. The woman was leaning above Arinya, her eyes closed and hair the colour of the last sun's rays before dawn, floating on the air as if she was underwater. Her whole body was decorated with symbols in the same colour as her hair and only a see-through white dress gave her some modesty. Arinya learned from Remiel that the more symbols a spirit had, the more powerful they were.

"But Zachy, it wouldn't matter if I tell her or not. She will find out the future on her own pretty soon." Her proclamation surprised her. She never thought that her magic would become that powerful. Zachriel sighed and took the place beside Arinya. Her eyes were still closed. Arinya had once asked if Zachriel could see, and she answered with a weird riddle she could see the memory of the world instead of reality.

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