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(a:/n) Hello hello hello! I've come back with even more style now! I dedicated every sentence in this book to be as detailed as possible, truly testing my writing capability. I hope you enjoy this story as it took me a long time. Also if youre wondering where the picture is from, a friend took it :} )

(backstory) You work at the local cafe, and your usual boring life is quickly put to a hault as a new figure makes its way into your life, but is it for the better?

(info) This is a story of a bussy haver reader and she/her pronouns. If you wish to go by different ones, go right ahead and read with those. I didn't want to say this is a 'fem reader' story because i know all badussy havers aren't feminine or identify as female! so here you go :))

(key) when you think something or are reading something, it'll be italicised, when something is important, it'll be bold, and when you text someone or call them, it'll appear like so:




(tw/warnings) this will have eventual smut, cursing, depression, mentions of past self harm, abusive parents, and attempted suicide)


h/l - hair length

h/c - hair colour

e/c - eye colour

m/n - mothers name (if u don't have one just pretend)

f/n - fathers name (same as mother, pretend if you don't have one)

y/c - your car

y/n - your name

y/n/n - your nickname

y/f/n/n - your funny nickname

(music) this story is much more enjoyable with music in which i've put playlists at the beginning of every chapter. i reccomend listening to them on very low volume so you can focus more on the words

Enjoy this story!!!!!!!

"𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙨" - Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now