Letter to Your Ex

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I was going to do this for 2 of my exes, but after writing out the first one, I feel as if that is enough.


We started talking in March 2014. You were this mysterious guy with light eyes and an accent from England. You helped me through a lot of things and I told you nearly every thing about my messy life. You dated a few other girls while we were talking, but I didn't know I liked you yet. On May 4th 2014, you asked me out. That was after about 3 weeks of my friends texting you and nagging you when you were going to ask me. You had a lot of your own problems. I tried to help you the best I could. I had really only saw 4 pictures of you. Back then, I was so in love with you, that I didn't even care. I was so caught up in your words, I didn't care about the face. I was caught up in how perfect you were. We were essentially the cheesiest couple that there ever was. It was in June, I saw a picture on Facebook that looked exactly like you. That's the moment my world caved in on itself. Later that day I found out the truth. You aren't J. You are B. You aren't a male. You are a female. You weren't British. That was a lie. I stayed with you for a few more weeks after I found out, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it anymore. I'm sorry. I still think about you a lot. You greatly effected my life. You showed me real love. And that has set my standards higher. Since we have separated, we have said some hateful things to each other, I'm sorry. I hope you are doing good, and if you ever read this, I did love you. I hope your life is going great, and I miss talking to you everyday, Augustus. Okay.

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