Letter to Your Parents

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Thanks for being there for me during everything. I know some days I may be a ignorant twat, but you still love me. I probably aggravate the shit out of you, but isn't that my job? You are honestly one of my best friends. No shame. You support my every move and I know all I have to do is look over my shoulder and I will see you there. You always remind me of how much I am actually worth. Thank you. Thank you for being the raddest momma out there. Thank you for taking the mom and dad role in my life. I love you.

You left me when I was only 3 years old. I hated you for the longest time because of that. I still don't understand how you can just walk out of your child's life and only talk to them once in a full blue moon. It astonishes me. We just recently started talking again. I'm still working to forgive you. I'm sorry that sometimes I ignore you and treat you horribly, but remember, I'm trying. I do love you, because after all, you are my dad. As much as I hate to admit it, I do have fun hanging out with you sometimes. You aren't as bad as I thought you were. There is still a whole lot of things you don't know about me, and I know it hurts your feelings that I'm so shut off from you, but give me time. I'll come around. I hope that we keep progressing in this father daughter thing. I love you.

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