Chapter 3

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The several mobians had been scattered across the room. They were all doing their own thing when the heard someone talking.

"Everyone hide." May quickly whispered as everyone else started finding places to hide.

"I'm serious." A pink hedgehog said as she walked into the abandoned warehouse with two other hedgehogs, one was red and the other was purple. "I heard people talking in here yesterday and I saw the police drive by."

"Sara, no one's here." The purple hedgehog told the pink one.

Sara looked around the room, not seeing any of the mobians that were hidden in plain sight. "I guess it must've been my imagination."

The red hedgehog rolled her eyes before the three left and when the criminals knew that they were gone, they came out of their hiding spots.

"We gotta be more careful." Sonic sighed.

"Or we could use that hedgehogs knowledge agensed her." Scarlet replied with a wicked smile.

The other mobians looked at the green, female hedgehog. "What did you have in mind?" Her brother asked.

"Those three are obviously sisters, right?"


"We kidnap pinky there and blackmail her by saying that we'll kill her sisters if she doesn't do what we say."

"What if her sisters come to save her?"

"Then we threaten to kill her if they don't leave and keep quiet."

The other mobians were all fascinated with Scarlets plan, all had their own cruel smiles. "Let's do it." Sonic said.

(Time Skip)

The eleven mobians had kidnapped Sara by using chloroform to knock her out and Zero used phantom energy to tie her up and temporarily bind her.

"How much longer is she goanna be out?" Scourge muttered with a bored expression.

"Just be patient." Zero told him.

Scourge growled a bit. "Never tell me to be patient."

Sara started to groan a bit before she opened her eyes to see where she was but she couldn't see. "What's going on?" She asked as she tried to move. "Where am I?"

"You might find out later. Maybe not." Scarlet told the pink hedgehog.

Sara looked around the room. "Why can't I see?"

"Stop asking questions and listen to what we have to say." Sonic said. "If you don't do what we say then we'll kill your sisters."

"How do you know if I have sisters?"

"We saw you guys nosing around earlier. Do as we say or we'll take your sisters lives."

Sara was quiet for a minute before she replied. "Fine. Just don't hurt them."

"We won't unless you refuse to listen." Scarlet said as Zero let Sara see.

(Time Skip)

Sara was sitting in the corner of the room while the other mobians were talking about something, she couldn't hear them. After fifteen minutes, they heard sirens coming from outside.

"This is the police. Come out with your hands up. We have you surrounded." They heard a female mobian saying from outside.

"What the hell? How'd they find us?" Scarlet asked.

"Because we called them." Sara's purple sister said as she walked in the warehouse with their red sister.

Scourge closed his eyes and sighed. "Evil, go distract them." He said.

Another hedgehog formed on Scourges shadow. He looked like a demon version of the green hedgehog. "Yeah, no problem." He said before taking to form of Scourge wearing a mask and running outside the warehouse.

"Shade, Speed, Black, go help him." Sonic, Shadow, and Silver muttred before three more hedgehogs that looked like demon versions of them, formed on their shadows, took their forms, and ran outside to help Evil.

"How about we make a deal with you." The red hedgehog said, getting the criminals attention. "If you let our sister go then we'll tell the police that this is the wrong address and that no one's here."

(This chapter was requested by @Slyven-Girl. Sara and her sister [named Sora and Scarlet] belong to @Slyveon-Girl. Sorry for how short the chapter is, I'm running out of ideas for this story.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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