10- last chapter

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Dream pov:

The rain was pouring down. The sky was dark and our hair was wet. I looked down at my black converse shoes with tears in my eyes.

"And today we are all gathered here to say goodbye to an amazing person and human being"

(Ok just to clarify i have NEVER been at an funeral like ever so i really dunno what they do or say🥰)

The tears in my eyes just became heavier and heavier. I could hear sniffs coming from each side of me and from around the circle of people, i wasn't seeing.
I heard some people going to the front to hold a speech. I was terrified of doing that. I had real bad social anxiety and doing that would just be a big no.

So i just stood there listening to people talking about how much they loved George. And how he would be missed. Im was crying and felt an arm around my shoulder. Sapnap was trying his best to comfort me even tho he was in tears himself.

Third person pov:

When the clock hit 8 pm the funeral had ended. Almost everyone had gone home. Almost. Dream  was standing with my arms on my sides. Crying. When He felt someone hug him from behind. He turned around to Georges bigger sister standing there. Linda. She was hugging him from behind. (She's 16) dream looked at her. Still crying.

"I'm sorry" i tried to apologize but she stopped me.

"You know he loved you alot right" she said going of the topic. I mailed at her.

"Well yeah he was my best friend"
I said tears streaming down my face.

"No" she looked at me with a serious look.


"No you don't understand" she said again in an serious tone.

"What don't i understand?"

"He loved you more than a friend, he was in love with you" she said, looking down at her feet. I looked at her. My jaw dropped. I wanted to say something. But i didn't get the chance to. She left. I looked after her. Stunned.

The fkn end mf


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