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Anthony Kimberly

Years back

"Hey, I uhm..... I never caught your name. Mine is Anthony by the way", I said staring at my reflection in the mirror.

Uhh.. Sounds stupid.

"Uhm... I forgot to ask you your name yesterday". 

Oh c'mon Anthony, you can do better than that.

"What's your name? ".

That's way worse than the last one.

"Do you mind telling me your name? ".

"Do you mind"? really?

"How else am I supposed to ask for her name? ".

"Patricia ", a melodic voice said behind me.

I looked at the mirror and it was her. I turned around to look at her.

"My name... It's Patricia ", she said and came closer.

"How long have you been standing there? ", I asked with my cheeks flaring up.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone's looking for you", she said with a serious expression.

"Everyone? ", I asked with raised eyebrows.

"The Elders summoned you a long time ago", she paused and looked away shyly, "and I can't believe am the one occupying your mind", she ended.

"I am so... ", I made to say but she cut me short.

"Sorry? Which girl wouldn't want a guy to think about her?",  she said looking me in the eyes.

"Anthony! ", I heard a voice say outside the door.

"Go", she said and gave me a peck.

I ran towards the door and pushed it open. I ran towards the main hall headed to the Elders chamber.

"Where the heck have you been Tony? ", someone asked me from behind.

I stopped and turned and it was the last face I wanted to see. The little smile on my face vanished as I stared at him.

"The elders have been looking for you", he said again as he came close to me.

"By elders you mean you, right?", I retorted.

"Is it wrong for a father to look for his son?", he asked.

"You are not my father", I said furiously.

"Then who is? ".

"No one, no one is, I have no father ".

"Maybe we will sort this out when you're done with the elders".

"There is nothing to sort out Elder Kimberly, you have lost your chance to be a father and am never giving it back", I said and turned to walk away.

"What if I tell you that your mother is still alive? ", he asked.

I stopped and turned back to him.

"Then you will be the greatest comedian ", I retorted and turned to leave again.

"She was sent to earth... No, I took her to earth and gave her a place, I hid her from the other elders and it was easy sing I am the protector of this universe", he explained.

"And why did you do that? ", I asked still facing the opposite direction.

"She is my first love and always will be my first love and I knew that one day you will need to meet her, maybe am not a bad father after all ", he said and I scoffed.

"You are not even a father ", I said and flew towards the elders chamber.

Edna Kimberly Where stories live. Discover now