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Anthony Kimberly

The portal opened once more in front of the temple. Carcasses of xenomorphs were scattered here and there and Edna was right there. Her feet were not touching the ground and her body was on fire but she doesn't act like it was hurting her. I walked into the temple staring at her when she saw me. She lowered herself and the fire went out. She ran towards me and gave me a hug.

"You... ", I made to say but I was too surprised to talk. 

"Yes dad, I met grandma and she thought me how to control my abilities, according to her, I got the power of a phoenix bird ", she said with the widest smile I have ever seen on her face.

I looked around and the surprise on everyone face was making me shiver. What happened here was all I asked myself.

I walked over to Patricia and Nathan and gave them hugs in turns.

"Where have you been? ", Pat asked.

"At the elders' chamber", I responded.

"Elders' chamber? ", Nathan asked.

"We will talk about all that later as for now, why do these people look like they almost drowned but was saved? ", I said and Pat chuckled.

"Well they did drown, but in fear, I guess you owe all of us an explanation ", Pat said looking around.

I stood up and turned to the people.

"I believe today you all have seen why we are here", I said to the crowd but all they did was just stare.

"These are xenomorphs, aliens sent to earth to destroy it. But not just earth, every planet in the universe is going through what we are going through right now", I said but they still stared blankly at me.

"So you ran to find refuge", a lady said in the crowd.

"Excuse me? ", i said and stared at the lady.

"You left us unprotected and went to a safe spot to watch us die", the lady got up and walked towards me.

"Mrs Merino, you might wanna pick your next words very carefully ", I said to her in a calm voice.

"What are you gonna do? Feed me to the xe... Xe... What did you call them? ", Mrs Merino blabbed on.

"Mrs Merino, we were sent here for a reason and that reason is to protect earth with everything we have".

"We don't need your protection Mr Kimberly, we are not children, we can take care of our... ", she said but was interrupted when a xenomorph ran into the temple and towards us since we were the only ones it could spot easily.

The xenomorph jumped towards her and she let out a loud scream.

I caught it midair and pressed it down to the ground. It struggled for a bit but I kept it steady.

"Mrs Merino, what happened to "we can take care of ourselves" ?", I asked her as she shivered in fear. She just stared at me with out a word.

I turned to the xenomorph and burnt it to crisp with my heat vision.

Edna Kimberly Where stories live. Discover now