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It felt like a hot weight was pressing down on Seth's head and shoulders. He couldn't stop shaking; his finges were twitching and his legs wobbled every few steps. His stomach felt heavy yet completely void of anything and he wanted to fall over and die.


He almost dropped the carseat he was carrying at the door to his dad's room and thank fuck he didn't, or Roman would have really killed him. Kayla came out and cooed as she bent down to pick the seat up, her smile fading away once she properly looked at her stepson. "Seth! What in Satan's name? Roman, sweetie!" She ushered Seth in and closed the door, putting the seat down before rushing towards the back.

Seth felt like his insides were being torn apart and like lava was flowing through his veins. It was normal; this always happened and it didn't hurt. It was just so fucking annoying and frustrating to feel like shit and not being able to do anything about it.

He groaned and slowly curled in on himself on the couch. Why today? Why today of all days? Why today?

"What's wrong with-- oh."

Seth ignored his father and groaned, coughing, and tiny, dim sparks came out. He wasn't sick. He didn't have a fever.

"You're shedding." His father said.

"We have to get him to the dungeon," Kayla suggested, and Seth made an animal sounding grunt. "No! I...I have a date!" He sucked in a slow breath and almost growled in anger when his Dad lifted him to sit up. He weakly batted away his hands and his head lolled off to the side, the hot air hitting his wet skin comfortably. He was sweating like a pig.

"You're not going anywhere until it's over." Roman said sternly. "I have a date! I can't stand him up. He'll be so sad." He whined and fell back over again, face first against the lavender smelling cushion. "Seth, stop acting like a child. It's not like this is your first time standing someone up. Now, get up so we can go to the dungeon."

But he's different is what Seth wanted to say.

"But I have to tell Frank." He didn't even think about calling him before he left, because he was convinced it was just because he had visited his father the day before and it had been a while, so maybe his body was trying to get used to being down here for the short time he had a few days ago. But no. Once he came here today, it hit him all over again like a fucking truck.

Not only that, but the stupid geyser boy wasn't doing his job again, so his phone got destroyed as soon as he took it out, melting right there in his hand. Seth was going to kill him so hard once he... finished melting himself.

"Seth, you can't even sit up for 15 seconds. Come on," His father helped him up again and all Seth could do was become dead weight. He didn't even remember the trip. One minute, he was on the couch, and the next, he was being chained to the floor by an ankle and his left arm. It was hotter down here and Seth was thankful for that. It felt amazing -- and that was one sure sign that he was definitely shedding his skin tonight. Why the hell would he want to be somewhere that felt like it was on fire?

"I'll check up on you in a couple of hours." Roman's voice sounded muffled and warped and distant, and Seth could barely nod since he was laying on the floor, mouth slack and drooling like a dog.

Tonight was going to suck.


"You look hot as fuck." Gerard commented, one hand supporting his elbow while the other held his chin. "I'd definitely try to get in your pants if I was Seth."

Gerard had said he looked hot as fuck yesterday at the bar they had gone to for Mikey's birthday. Even though it wasn't meant in a sexual way, and it was Gerard literally just giving his opinion, he still blushed and wished Gerard would clean his mouth.

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