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Georgia clutched her workbook to her chest as men and women filtered passed her, heading straight through the beaded doorway and into her classroom. Many passed her curious looks, others smiled, some ignored her entirely. Surprisingly, the women outnumbered the men two to one.

They were a diverse group. Some were clothed from head to toe while others were happy to don Western clothing, leaving their heads bare. Biting her lip, Georgia caught sight of Hana amid the stream, walking among them as she murmured quietly to a woman at her side.

'You're looking pale,' she said when she caught up with Georgia.

'I'm nervous.'

'Don't worry, you'll do fine.'

She gave Hana a doubtful smile. 'There are a lot of students. Are there two classes on today?'

'Yes, but Daniel's has already started. I try not to have them start at the same time. Too many people in and out at once.'

Georgia's heart skipped a beat. 'Oh, so they're all mine.'

'Come on Georgia it won't be that bad, I promise.' Curling an encouraging arm around Georgia's waist, she guided her towards the classroom. 'Remember, I will be here supporting you until you find your feet.'

Giving Hana a grudging nod, she passed through the beads and into the classroom beyond.


'So, how did your class go?' Daniel asked afterwards as Georgia joined him in the common area. They were alone except for Rana who was listlessly mopping the hallway behind them.

'It wasn't a complete disaster, I guess,' she said, plopping down on the couch opposite him. Picking up the control, she flicked the T.V on. 'I wouldn't know what I'd do without Hana, though. How was your class?'

'No problem. Smooth, as always,' he said, yawning as he lifted up his shirt to his midriff, exposing his svelte, washboard abdomen. 'Was I any help?'

'A little,' Georgia conceded, gazing in disgust as he picked out the lint from his belly button.

'Only a little?' he grinned.

'That's so gross, Daniel. Do you really have to do that here? That's more of you than I want to see.'

There was a loud clatter, and Georgia swivelled around. Rana had accidentally tipped over her bucket and dirty water was rushing across the floor.

'Sorry!' Rana announced in a fluster.

She righted the bucket and quickly mopped up the mess, face flaming. Georgia turned back to Daniel, frowning.

'What?' he grinned at her, still picking at his belly button.

The next several days went by in a flash. Most days she had a class to teach which meant lots of preparation and plenty of late nights, particularly after socialising with the other volunteers. Though it was hard work, it was good to keep busy.

It only took a few classes before her students began to open up. Of those who could communicate with her, most would stay briefly after class asking her questions about her life in Australia and what she thought about Abassa.

Just like Hana had said, some attended class sparingly and even then, many had to cut their lessons short. Compounding that was the fact that everyone began with a different level of understanding.

After several lessons, Georgia decided that the best thing to do was to group people together. With everyone helping each other, the class ran more smoothly and more of her students kept up.

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