Chapter 6

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Third P.O.V.

Owen looked at her. Madison wanted to look away but couldn't help but look at him.

"So, are you going to explain how you turned into a giant wolf?" Owen asks.

"It's my birthright to become what I am. I'm from a small tribe in a small town called, Forks, Washington. My tribe is called the, Quileute. We have stories basically legends about how we started. The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning..." Madison said.

"But we've always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors... Shape Shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies, protect our tribe. One day our warriors came across a creature... It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice... Our warriors' sharp teeth, finally tore it apart.... But only fire could completely destroy it. They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone. And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe, after his son was killed. Taha Aki's Third Wife could see that he would lose... The Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers, but one.... Courage. The Third Wife's sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies disappeared. But one remains... The Cold Ones. Our magice awakens when they are near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood." Madison explained and Owen seemed fascinated by the story.

"Any questions?" Madison asks.

"What are cold ones?" Owen asks.

"Cold ones are vampires. I know people believe they are to be fake. But they are real. And I protect humans by killing them." Madison answered.

"Why do I feel like I always want to be around you?" Owen asks.

Madison sighed not wanting to answer. Owen grabbed her hand and Madison looked at him.

"It's what we call imprinting. Imprinting is the involuntary mechanism by which Quileute shape-shifters find their soulmates. It is a profound, intimate phenomenon that exists among the Quileute shape-shifters. We've never had a female shifter before so all of this is brand new. I didn't think it'd be possible for me. But when a shape-shifter imprints on a specific person, they become unconditionally bound to her or him for the rest of their life. When it happens, the experience is described as being gravitational pulled toward that person while a glowing heat fills them, and everyone and everything else in their life becomes secondary, and only the imprintee is left to matter, leaving the shape shifter with a deep need to do anything to please and protect their soulmate.

Imprinting can occur anytime after a wolf's first phasing. It can happen with anyone, regardless of previous feelings. It happens the first time we see the person we're imprinting on. 

Imprinting can't be forced on anyone, no matter how much the shape-shifter may want it.

If we are rejected by our imprintee is unknown, though it is assumed to be virtually impossible. The imprinter is deemed to be the "perfect match" to the imprintee ---- we will be anything she or he may want or need, making rejection is highly unlikely. Should it happen, however, the imprinter may feel unspeakable pain, and may even want to commit suicide

The reasoning for why we imprint is unknown, although some of the elders have various theories. 

Sam Uley, our leader/alpha believes that a shape-shifter imprints on the person with whom he has the best chance to reproduce.

Billy Black, one of our elders however, thinks that imprinting is designed to make the shape-shifter stronger." Madison explained and Owen stared at her. "If you want to reject me that's fine. I mean we were enemies to begin with." 

"Madison, I'm not rejecting you. I'll accept the bond between us. But one thing is, do I have to explain to my family?" Owen asks.

"If you want but they would want proof." Madison answered.

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