May My Soul: Primis

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Terra, earth but not like the one we know. This earth is at least 71,492 kilometers. Population is double that of what we have now. The population on Terra is now twenty million total, when the Concisura Crisis began,the Severing caused many to die because of it and with it unrest, governments fell. New ones from the ashes arisen, Bestia of all kinds flooded Terra once Concisura portals appeared. Some men and women fell to their own desires... until one family was targeted...

Jeremias takes a seat at the local Inn inside a Town named Claror. This Raven was apart of a family that was targeted by something or someone during the Concisura Crisis. He has regret and self-hatred for leaving. This man is powerful though he doesn't show it for his own personal well being.

He downs a shot. People around him understand he is someone who shall not be challenged his Animae shows his experience, special operations with counter terrorist training with others in his skillset. The Kevlar he wears is reinforced with his own glyphs and runes including his weapons.

His memory of his sister, that is surging through his mind over and over he remembers each detail of the raid on his family's mansion. The screams of pain from his mother and father play on repeat "Run Jeremias run!" Echoes, he didn't want to at the time but those words from his father rang out replaying bringing a flood of sorrow upon him. He keeps to himself, closed off a visage radiant with something more that will make the Daemons, Divean and the Noctreans fear what he holds..

Daemons stand around six and seven feet to eight feet in size. Average build and human looking yet they have horns of various styles from ox to goat. Many have a decent musclar build to where they can take the harshness of the weather brought by the Concisura. They have many variants ranging from those who weld the flame of hell itself to the ice of Nylfheim. These are more than human they reject the classification because it insults their own superiority. They want Terra due to the link it has to become a beacon into other realms.

Diveans are angelic in their features yet hide their own will to manipulate others by the purity and cleanliness they wish to stand by, they stand six to seven feet in size average builds like the Daemons. Yet they act the same as them. Most puppet other factions without them knowing, the knowledge of politics they have is endless they will do whatever it cost for their view of order. They are pure. Therefore those under them must follow it or fall to Excommunication.

Noctreans are human like yet they have a hunger for blood. They can live in the sun but they prefer the night because of the advantages it gives them. Some use physical strength others a mix of physical strength and Animae to grant them more gain. Unlike the Diveans and the Daemons they are not united. The Houses they formed fight for power and gain across this damaged world, most were human and lost the meaning of the word itself.

Jeremias glances over at a man then he walks out of the Inn placing down a few hundred bronze and silver coins. The man follows him. Jeremias let's a question out "You know who I am?" His question is towards the Daemon who has views of the Rekindling

The Daemon retorts with coldness "I do." Hatred surges through his body while he rushes forward slamming the man into the wall sending multiple rage filled strikes bare-handed. The punches radiate out with the crack of bone. Jeremias begins to drag the man in an alleyway unhooking the chain off his right hip that has a small ball of briars. The ball is sent into the man's crotch twelve times. The man is a Daemon with his horns showing.

Jeremias sends the briar covered ball forward to the Daemon's face before kneeling "Where is she?" Permafrost came from the Raven's voice

The Daemon let's out a joy filled cackle before letting his statement full of pain out "Sometimes. Ravens aren't supposed to have sight of what is to come, we rekindled this world. You can't do another...." The reply comes out with defiant intentions with the willingness to fight back.

Jeremias reconnects the chain to his right hip again before drawing his revolver with his family moto ringing out in his voice "Sit tibi corvus requiem {Translation: May the raven rest in peace}." The boom is radiant like thunder and lightning, after that once Jeremias uses his own Anima to kill the Daemon. Before leaving Claror his Legacy begins now..... the Mayor of the town stops the Raven on the outskirts of Claror

Lex Nero, this man was a Peacekeeper in his time before the severing now he leads a growing town of a population of ten thousand. Jeremias halts his steps and glances at Lex.

"What do you want?" The Raven's tone is like winter. He didn't want to be stopped, or interrupted leaving the makeshift town of scrape. This annoyed him to the core but he did compose himself.

Lex started his statement with a question "Are you looking for someone stranger?" He smiles warmly "I can try and help if I can." Jeremias taken back by the question and the ending of the words.

The Raven takes out a photo of family and friends, it was taken at the City of Pharus. "I am. The girl standing in the middle of my brothers and I, she is who I am looking for, if I have to I will sacrifice my life in order for her safety." Jeremias hands the photo to the Mayor. Before the Raven walks off into the barren waste. Lex Nero is lost for words he just nods watching the legend begin, a story of someone who will sacrifice everything for family and his bloodline. No matter the cost.

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